INTM450000 - Transfer pricing records: contents
INTM450020Who is in scope?
INTM450021Permanent Establishments
INTM450030Who has the record keeping obligation?
INTM450040Frequency of review
INTM450050When to provide the specified transfer pricing records
INTM450060Possession or power
INTM450070Failure to keep and preserve the specified transfer pricing records
INTM450080Where an MNE group does not meet the CbCR threshold
INTM450090Master file
INTM450100Local file
INTM450101Controlled transactions
INTM450102Categories of transactions
INTM450103Aggregation of financial transactions
INTM450104Materiality of a category of controlled transactions
INTM450105Local file exemptions - UK to UK transactions
INTM450106Local file exemptions - Advance Pricing Agreement (APAs)