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IFM04374 - AIFs: Property authorised investment funds (PAIFs): tax treatment of PAIFs and distributions: attribution of distributions - example 2

For an explanation of this example please refer to IFM04370.

Income and expenditure Total Notes PID PAIF dist (Interest) PAIF dist (Divs)
Rental income 18,000 1 18,000    
Income from ancillary services 2,000 2 2,000    
Income from currency hedge 3,000 3 3,000    
Cost of finance for properties (5,000) 4 (5,000)    
Property management costs (6,000) 5 (6,000)    
Repairs (1,500) 6 (1,500)    
Cost of ancillary services (1,200) 7 (1,200)    
Cost of currency hedge for overseas rent (300) 12 (300)    
Depreciation of plant and machinery (500) 8 (500)    
Property income distributions from UK REIT shares 8,000 10 8,000    
Property (or undifferentiated) distributions from shares in overseas UK REIT equivalents 5,000 11 5,000    
Cost of currency hedge on overseas (UK REIT equivalent) shares (100) 12 (100)    
NON -PID dividends from UK REITs 250     250  
Dividends from other UK companies 340     340  
Dividends from overseas companies (not UK REIT equivalent or identified as “non- PID type”) 90   90    
Interest on income from deposits and bonds etc 2,600   2,600    
Investment management charge (1,500) 13 (1,300) (200)  
PBT 23,180   20,100 2,490 590
Adjustments 14        
Depreciation   500   (500)  
Shadow capital allowances (must use max available) (200) 200      
Total 23,180   20,400 2,490 290

See notes at IFM04376.