Updates: Investment Funds Manual
Carried interest: information provided in a tax return
Correct error in text uploaded on 21 February.
Accruals basis elections: contents
Page IFM37800 added to manual
Page IFM37850 added
IFM37800 removed as attached to incorrect contents page
IFM37850 removed from page
IFM37800 & IFM37850 added
Carried interest: information provided in a tax return
Page title amended
Page title amended
Offshore Funds: Definition of an offshore fund: overview: transitional arrangements
Reference to IFM12900 removed as those pages related to transitional provisions and were removed some years ago.
Offshore Funds: introduction: background to the treatment of UK investors in offshore funds
Reference to IFM12900 removed as this related to transitional provisions and IFM12900 had previously been deleted as no longer required.
Updated to reflect recent case law
Prevention of double taxation: Double taxation relief and trusts
Page updated to make meaning clearer and now with an example.
IFM40695 - whether investments are non-commercial securities - added to relevant contents page
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): Condition A
Update to clarify that, in the case of the QAHC regime, it is sufficient that the fund was marketed at any time before 1 April 2022. It is not necessary that the marketing was completed before that date.
Link to CG14270 changed to CG14250P
Foreign Chargeable Gains: Introduction
Whole page updated.
Becoming a QAHC: apportionment of income and expenses across ring fence
Change to ensure that guidance is consistent with underlying legislation (specifically, FA22/SCH2/PARAS 20(1)(c)).
Becoming a QAHC: ring fence business
Change to ensure that guidance is consistent with underlying legislation (specifically, FA22/SCH2/PARAS 20(1)(c)).
Introduction to Investment Funds Manual
Short Name Updated
Property authorised investment funds (PAIFs)
Short Name Updated
Short Name updated
Overview: Charging provisions and capital gains tax rate
Improving the text to aid understanding of the reader.
Accruals basis elections: reporting
Corrected formatting error.
Accruals basis elections: reporting
Update changes following review
Administrative requirements: entry notifications
Updated to clarify position where agent is acting on behalf of client
update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: election to treat listed securities as unlisted
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
When does a genuine diversity of ownership (GDO) condition apply?
Updates following the enactment of Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO)
Updates following enactment of Finance (No.2) Act 2023
Specific provisions relating to feeder funds
Updates following enactment of Finance (No.2) Act 2023
Eligibility criteria: introduction
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: introduction
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: FA22/SCH2/PARA4
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: category A investors: meaning
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: category A investors: examples
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: category A investors: further provisions
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: compliance with ownership condition
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: investment strategy condition
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Eligibility criteria: contents
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Other tax issues: corporate interest restriction: non-consolidation of certain subsidiaries
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Treatment of certain payments : contents
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Gains exemption: qualifying shares
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Administrative requirements: entry notifications
Guidance updated to provide clarity and to reflect changes made by the Finance (No.2) Act 2023.
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): Introduction
Updates following review
Updates following review
Updated following review
When does a genuine diversity of ownership (GDO) condition apply?
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): Conditions
Update following review
Specific provisions relating to feeder funds
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): advance clearance procedure: Introduction
Updates following review
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): advance clearance procedure: Application
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): advance clearance procedure: Relying on clearance
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): Condition B
Updates following review
Updates following review
Condition C: Marketing requirements
Updates following review
Updates following review
Condition C: Investors requesting information
Updates following review
Updates following review
Condition C: Limit on capacity to receive further investments
Updates following review
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO)
Updates following review
Updates following review
Updates following review
Updates following review
Updates following review
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): Condition C
Updates following review
Updates following review
Particular considerations relating to closed-ended funds
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): advance clearance procedure
Updates following review
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): Condition A
Updates following review
Page archived
Links to other pages corrected
Investment transactions – the ‘investment transactions list’
Updating guidance to take account of the Investment Manager (Investment Transactions) (Cryptoassets) Regulations 2022 to add “designated cryptoassets” to the investment transaction list for the purposes of the Investment Manager Exemption
Correcting an error by removing the words "enable exempt investors to receive a credit for tax paid within the AIF" and instead making clear that exempt investors are unable to reclaim tax paid within the AIF
update changes following review.
Genuine Diversity of Ownership (GDO): Introduction
update changes following review.
When does a genuine diversity of ownership (GDO) condition apply?
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: activity condition
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: category A investors: further provisions
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: trade versus investment
Update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: compliance with ownership condition
Update changes following review.
Becoming a QAHC: example of ring fence streaming within QAHC
Update changes following review.
Other tax issues: exchange gains
update changes following review
update changes following review
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: examples
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: further examples
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: trade versus investment
Update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: contents
update changes following review
Qualifying Asset Holding Companies: contents
update changes following review
Update changes following review
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: contents
Update changes following review
Update changes following review.
Ceasing to be a QAHC: contents
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Treatment of certain payments : contents
Update changes following review.
Overseas property business: contents
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: information to be provided: contents
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: non-deliberate breach of ownership condition: contents
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: contents
Update changes following review.
update changes following review
update changes following review
update changes following review
Overview: structure of the legislation
update changes following review
update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: introduction
update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: introduction
update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: FA22/SCH2/PARA3
update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: FA22/SCH2/PARA4
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: FA22/SCH2/PARAS 5 to 7
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: examples
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: further examples
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: category A investors: meaning
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: category A investors: examples
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: category A investors: further provisions
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: compliance with ownership condition
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: activity condition
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: trade versus investment
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: investment strategy condition
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: contents
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Ceasing to be a QAHC: contents
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Treatment of certain payments : contents
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Overseas property business: contents
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: contents
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: information to be provided: contents
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: non-deliberate breach of ownership condition: contents
Update changes following review.
Ceasing to be a QAHC: breaches of eligibility criteria
Update changes following review.
Other tax issues: introduction
Update changes following review.
Treatment of certain payments: introduction
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: breach of ownership condition: wind-down period
Update changes following review.
Becoming a QAHC: interaction with loss restriction
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Remittance basis: calculating the foreign proportion of income and gains
Update changes following review.
Update changes following review.
Administrative requirements: information to be provided: QAHC information return
Update changes following review.
Qualifying Asset Holding Companies: contents
Update changes following review.
Remittance basis: interaction with mixed fund rules
Update changes following review.
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: examples
Update changes following review
Update changes following review
Update changes following review
Eligibility criteria: ownership condition: further examples
Update changes following review
Prevention of double taxation: Introduction
update change following review
update changes following review
Prevention of double taxation: Introduction
Update changes following review
Prevention of double taxation: Non-UK tax
Delaying publication until further review. Archiving reason text added. Page archived.
Investment transactions – the ‘investment transactions list’
Updating terminology
Updating terminology
Updating terminology
Authorised investment funds (AIFs): general
Amendments to reflect changes to UCITS schemes and the introduction of Long-Term Asset Funds.
Change to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds.
Changes to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds.
Changes to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds.
Change to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds
Changes to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds.
Changes to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds.
When does a genuine diversity of ownership (GDO) condition apply?
Changes to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds.
Tax treatment of investors in qualified investor schemes (QISs) and long-term asset funds (LTAFs)
Changes to incorporate guidance for long-term asset funds
Authorised investment funds (AIFs): taxation of funds: investment transactions
Updating terminology
Exempt unauthorised unit trust (EUUT): Income
Updating terminology
Updating terminology
Updating terminology
Carried interest and profit related returns: Contents
update changes following review
update change following review
Carried interest and profit related returns: Contents
update changes following review
Carried interest and profit related returns: Tax Distributions
Updated text for accuracy.
Disguised fees: Managed Accounts and other parallel structures (from 6 April 2016)
update changes following review
update changes following review
Disguised fees: Managed Accounts and other parallel structures (from 6 April 2016): Managed accounts
update changes following review
update changes following review
Prevention of double taxation: Double taxation adjustment
update changes following review
update changes following review
update changes following review
update changes following review
update changes following review
update changes following review
Co-investment: Arm's length returns
update changes following review
Returning sums chargeable under the disguised investment management fees (DIMF) rules:
update changes following review
published immediately in error. Setting back to 'unpublished' to correct.
published immediately in error. Setting back to 'unpublished' to correct.
Guidance on the meaning of Completion updated.
Investors in authorised investment funds (AIFs) receiving trail commission
Page updated to reflect the Hargreaves Lansdown litigation.
Investors in property authorised investment funds: trail commission
Page updated to reflect the Hargreaves Lansdown litigation.
Investors in tax elected funds (TEFs): tax treatment of distributions: trail commission
Page updated to reflect the Hargreaves Lansdown litigation.
Real Estate Investment Trust : Residual income: general
trying to get it visible!
Real Estate Investment Trust : Background: Key Concepts: Property Rental Business
Reference to S205 and S206 corrected to CTA 2009 (previously shown as CTA 2010).
sh title
main title duplicated 13200
format tables
Co-ownership Authorised Contractual Schemes (CoACS): Calculation of plant and machinery allowances
Update title and content to relate specifically to plant and machinery allowances.
Introduction to Investment Funds Manual
Back to draft
Taxation of authorised investment funds
Back to draft
Approval of an exempt unauthorised unit trust (EUUT)
Co-ownership Authorised Contractual Schemes (CoACS): Capital allowances: introduction
Add reference to SBA & clarify that existing material relates to plant and machinery allowances - agreed with I&G.
reformat table
reformat table
format tables
Real Estate Investment Trust : Capital gains: general : CTA2010/S535 and S535A
Updated for NRCGT
Trying to update links
supposed to be publishing
hopefull publ
Real Estate Investment Trust : Capital gains: transactions within groups: examples (2)
minor editing
Real Estate Investment Trust : Capital Gains: Contents
no change
Real Estate Investment Trust : Distributions: administration: attribution: example
CS can't publish, put back to draft.
Additional paragraph added at end of page
Real Estate Investment Trust : Background: General Definitions Relating To Parts of a UK-REIT
spelling mistake corrected in final line - principle changed to principal
I haven't changed anything in this one but am being asked to complete this field
typos amended
Real Estate Investment Trust : Entry to the regime: overview
I haven't changed anything in this one but am being asked to complete this field
I haven't changed anything in this one but am being asked to complete this field
I haven't changed anything in this one but am being asked to complete this field
Real Estate Investment Trust : Group conditions and rules: Financial Statements: financing costs
I haven't changed anything in this one but am being asked to complete this field
I haven't changed anything in this one but am being asked to complete this field
update for NRCGT
Investors within the charge to corporation tax
Resending for review.
Offshore funds: introduction and contents
updating menu, then resending for review/publication
Real Estate Investment Trust : Background: Overview Of The Regime
spelling mistake corrected - 3rd line from bottom rntal changed to rental