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IFM40205 - Eligibility criteria: introduction

Companies will only be able to choose to be a QAHC if they meet the conditions set out in FA22/SCH2/PARA2.

The company must:

  1. be tax resident in the UK
  2. meet the ownership condition (IFM40210+)
  3. meet the activity condition (IFM40255)
  4. meet the investment strategy condition (IFM40265)
  5. neither be a securitisation company (CFM72000+) nor a UK real estate investment trust (REIT) (IFM21000+)
  6. not have any equity securities listed or traded on a recognised stock exchange or any other public market or exchange
  7. submit an entry notification to HMRC (…)

Most of the conditions are straightforward, but the ownership and activity conditions are more complex.