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LLM8060 - Capital gains: Names: syndicate capacity: disposals: computation of gain or loss

Example of disposal of bespoke capacity

Name A pays £2,500 for £50,000 allocated capacity in syndicate X for the 2001 underwriting account. Syndicate X increases its stamp by 10% for the 2002 underwritingaccount. Name A also purchases an additional £11,000 capacity for £800 in the 2003 auctions. The following year he sells one third of his syndicate X capacity for £2,000. The computation of the capital gain before indexation will be as follows

Disposal proceeds - - - £2,000
Cost of acquisition - - - -
- £50,000 2001 capacity £2,500 -
- £5,000 10% 2002 expansion £0 -
- £11,000 2003 auction (enhancement) £800 -
Totals £66,000 - £3,300 -
Apportioned cost of 1/3 - - £1,100 (£1,100)
Auction costs (say) - - - (£50)
Gain - - - £850

The allowable cost of the remaining capacity is £2,200. In 2005, Name A pays £1,200 fora further £20,000 capacity in syndicate X. This is treated as enhancement expenditure. In2007, Name A sells all of the syndicate capacity for £6,000.

Disposal proceeds - - - £6,000
Cost of acquisition - - - -
- £44,000 b/f (see above) £2,200 -
- £20,000 2005 auction (enhancement) £1,200 -
- £64,000 - £3,400 (£3,400)
Auction costs (say) - - - (£100)
Gain - - - £2,500