NIM33500 - Special Cases: international - people going to or coming from abroad: row: contents
Note: A new International NICs manual is under development and will be published in due course.
NIM33505Conditions as to residence and presence in GB - employees
NIM33510Conditions as to residence and presence in GB - employers
NIM33520Exemption example
NIM33530Going abroad
NIM33535Change of employment
NIM33540Special Rules
NIM33545National Insurance contributions (NICs) coming from abroad
NIM33550NICs going abroad
NIM33555Meaning of "ordinarily resident"
NIM33560Meaning of "ordinarily resident"- Factors to consider
NIM33565Apportionment of earnings for seconded workers
NIM33570Apportionment - what can be excluded from NICs?
NIM33575Apportionment - method of computation