NIM33600 - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Contents
Note: A new International NICs manual is under development and will be published in due course.
NIM33601Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA:
NIM33602Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Conditions for Class 3 NICs
NIM33603Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Conditions for voluntary Class 2 NICs
NIM33604Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Ways of paying voluntary NICs
NIM33605Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Employed person returning to UK
NIM33606Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Self-employed person
NIM33608Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Conditions of payment of voluntary Class 2 or 3 NICs
NIM33620Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Liability for Class 2 NICs
NIM33621Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Going to countries not covered by EC Regulations or a RA: Conditions for voluntary Class 2 NICs and Class 3 NICs
NIM33630Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - paying voluntary contributions: going to another EEA country
NIM33635Special Cases - Persons going to and coming from abroad: Paying voluntary NICs - Workers going to and coming from abroad: Going to a RA country