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NMWM02040 - Roles and responsibilities: HM Revenue & Customs - specialist teams

HM Revenue & Customs (NMWM02030) enforces and polices the National Minimum Wage using specialist teams.

NMW Risk Profiling Team

The primary function of the NMW Risk Profiling Team is to select Targeted Enforcement cases for investigation by NMW Caseworkers, and assess and decide what Third Party Intelligence should be pursued. It provides a focal point for collaborative working with other parties and will provide advice and guidance on a number of issues including those relating to information disclosure.

NMW Compliance Teams

There are NMW Compliance Teams located around the United Kingdom whose role is to investigate all National Minimum Wage complaints referred from the NMW Risk Team. They seek voluntary compliance with National Minimum Wage legislation and have the authority to take appropriate enforcement action when necessary. In addition, they also undertake proactive compliance activity within their locality.

The NMW Compliance Teams also routinely give advice and guidance on National Minimum Wage as part of their work.

Rapid Response Team

The Rapid Response Team is a virtual team comprising of NMW Compliance Officers drawn from NMW Compliance teams located across the UK. The team’s core purpose is to provide a skilled rapid response to NMW compliance risks and handle the more complex and high profile compliance investigations.

These specialist teams fall under National Minimum Wage Operations. See their Home Page.