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HCOTEG11050 - Introduction and overview of oils activity: Health and Safety: Health and Safety: Hazards

Work in connection with oil is likely to present a variety of safety hazards. Those hazards may be continuous or intermittent, general or localised, and their nature and severity may vary according to the product(s) being handled and the precise work being carried out.

You should be aware of the provisions of the relevant HS books of guidance, particularly volume HS-10 (Hazardous substances) before physically examining oils.

Line managers must ensure that officers appreciate the need to follow the trader’s safety procedures at all times.

If you encounter hazardous conditions you must report the facts to company management and to your line manager, physical control being suspended until the matter is resolved.

Particular attention is drawn to the following:

  • HS-2 (Health and Safety management) paragraph 4.3 covers local hazards and traders’ safety rules.
  • HS-12 (Safe working in docks and freight areas) paragraph 2.4 covers access to road and rail tankers and tank wagons:
  • HS-16 (Drugs, firearms and explosives) covers access to storage tanks.
  • HS-10 covers dangerous goods. You should note that the dangerous goods likely to be present at an installation include not only hydrocarbon oil products such as benzene, but also non-oil chemicals, such as phenol and acrlonite, and gases, e.g. carbon monoxide.
  • HS-16 covers sampling
  • HS-12 covers moving vehicles and railway lines
  • HS-10 and HS-17 (Electricity) covers flammable atmospheres;
  • HS-15 (Safe working on vessels) covers access to vessels and rummage:
  • HS-15 covers confined spaces.

Further advice on the standards of safety required in respect of premises, plant and equipment can be found in Notice 179 paragraph 2.9, and on the intranet at:

About you/ Wellbeing, health and safety / Health and safety guidance.