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HCOTEG200250 - Other sources of information: guidance


Old Reference New Reference Contents
C7-6 IMEXPG Pipelines
R3-18 IPR Inward Processing Relief
R5-1 IPR End-use Relief
X-28 HCOBIG Biofuels and Fuel Substitutes
X-29 HCOGAS Gas for Road Fuel
X-32 CJP Road Fuel Testing
X-51 EAIG Excise Assessments
X-51B ECP Civil Penalties
X-99 HCODA Oils Duty Assurance
X-99 HCOS Oils Strategy
X-99 HCOBIG Biofuels Assurance
X-99 HCOTEG ( Mineral) Oils : Technical
X-99 HMWARE Holding and Movements : Warehousing
X-99 HMFSA Holding and Movements : Financial Securities
X-99 HMREDS Holding and Movements : REDS
X-99 HMOWTR Holding and Movements : Owners and Transporters
V-18 IMPS VAT : Imports
V1-19A VWRHS VAT : Supplies in warehouse and Fiscal Warehousing
V1-20 VEXP VAT : Exports and removal of goods from the UK