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HCOTEG200500 - Other sources of information: Notices


Customs Series

  • Notice 101 - Deferring Duty and other charges
  • Notice 171 - Hydrocarbon Oils: Customs Duty
  • Notice 221 - Inward Processing Relief
  • Notice 232 - Customs Warehousing
  • Notice 770 - Imported Goods: End-use Relief

Excise Series

  • Notice 75 - Fuel for Road Vehicles
  • Notice 76 - Excise duty on gas for use as fuel in road vehicles
  • Notice 172 - Excise Duty: Drawback - Ships and aircraft stores
  • Notice 175 - Motor & Heating Fuels: Relief from Excise Duty: Oils used to generate electricity
  • Notice 179 - Motor and Heating Fuels: General Information and accounting for Excise Duty and VAT
  • Notice 179A - Mineral (Hydrocarbon) oils - AVTUR
  • Notice 179E - Biodiesel and other Fuel substitutes
  • Notice 183 - Repayment of Excise Duty on Heavy Oil used by growers of Horticultural produce
  • Notice 184A - Mineral (Hydrocarbon) Oil put to certain use : Excise Duty relief
  • Notice 184B - Rebate of Duty on Light Oil used as furnace fuel
  • Notice 192 - Registered Dealers in Controlled Oil
  • Notice 197 - Excise Goods: Holding and Movements
  • Notice 203A - Registered Consignees
  • Notice 204A - Temporary Registered Consignees
  • Notice 204 - Occasional Importers EU trade in Excise Goods
  • Notice 206 - Revenue Traders Records
  • Notice 207 - Excise Duty Drawback
  • Notice 209 - Civil Penalties, Fixed, Geared and Daily
  • Notice 263 - Marine Voyages Excise Duty Relief for Mineral (Hydrocarbon) Oil
  • Notice 431 - Visiting Forces
  • Notice 554 - Fuel used in private pleasure craft and for private pleasure flying
  • CCL1 - General guide to Climate Change Levy

VAT Series

  • Notice 701/19 - Fuel and Power
  • Notice 702 - Imports
  • Notice 702/8 - Fiscal Warehousing
  • Notice 702/9 - Imports Customs procedures with economic impact, End-use Relief and Free Zones
  • Notice 703 - Exports


  • Factsheet - Visits by Customs & Excise Officers
  • Factsheet CC/FS1a - General information about compliance checks
  • Factsheet CC/FS1d - General information about excise visits
  • Factsheet FS16 - Excise visits
  • What to do if you don’t agree with an HMRC decision
  • Notice 999 - Catalogue of Publications
  • Factsheet - Complaints