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HCOTEG200750 - Other sources of information: guided learning units

Guided Learning Units

Whilst there are Guided Learning Units (GLUs) on many aspects of dealing with oils, the ‘Introduction’ GLU provides an overview.

The following GLUs on Oils are available now, in Online Learning

Available now in Online Learning

  • Reference 011696: ‘Introduction’
  • Reference 011695: ‘Health and safety’
  • Reference 003200: ‘Measurements’
  • Reference 003203: ‘Duty Accounting’
  • Reference 003202: ‘RDCO Scheme’
  • Reference 003209: ‘Cross Country Pipelines’
  • Reference 003201: ‘Deliveries’
  • Reference 002377: ‘Tied Oils’
  • Reference 003207: ‘Gas as a Road Fuel’
  • Reference 000232: ‘Marking’
  • Reference 003204: ‘Receipts’
  • Reference 003205: ‘Approvals’
  • Reference 003206: ‘Operations’
  • Reference 003208: ‘Biofuels/Fuel Additives/Fuel Substitutes’
  • Reference 003210: ‘Stock Accounting’