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ONSCG4140 - Handling applications on receipt: action on receipt of Non-statutory Business Clearance Application

HMRC’s guidance to customers on asks that a non-statutory clearance application letter be headed ‘Non-statutory Clearance Application’ so that it can be readily identified and dealt with accordingly.

On receipt by the Non-statutory Clearances Team all applications will be checked by the team and given a unique reference number in the format: yyyy-1 (onwards). This reference should be used in all related correspondence.

The Non-statutory Clearances Team will provide an acknowledgement (by telephone or email) to the person making the clearance application, stating the unique reference number for the clearance application.

The clearance application will be captured electronically, a copy stored in the Non-statutory Clearances Controlled Access Folder (CAF) and sent to the appropriate team for consideration.

See NSCG4160 if a case is received without a completed copy of the appropriate Annex.