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PAYE103010 - Individual records: maintain individual details: date of birth

The date of birth can be inserted using the Edit Individual Summary screen.

Where a change to a date of birth may have an impact on age-related allowances, work item 22 ‘DOB amended - review record’ is created, see PAYE103011. The date of birth may have moved the individual from one age band to another. For example, the new date may have ‘moved the individual’s age’ from under 65 to over 65 (but under 75).

An invalid date of birth will be rejected and a dialogue box with an appropriate error message will be displayed.

If the date of birth is verified the Date of Birth field in the Edit Individual Summary screen will be view only, that is, you will be unable to change it.

Changing a date of birth has a major impact on National Insurance Benefits. Any changes to a date of birth must go through NIC&EO Account Investigation Section (AIS) to assess any impacts on these benefits.

Where you receive information that contradicts a date of birth, either verified or unverified, that is already recorded and you have doubts as to which is the correct date of birth, contact the individual (PAYE103105). This is particularly important if the change will impact on age-related allowances or DWP benefits.

If this happens, you should take the following action

  • Create a paper BF (PAYE105520)
  • Issue SEES letter CA4118 asking the individual to provide evidence of their date of birth. See NIC30874 which gives examples of what documents can be accepted
  • On receipt of the documentary evidence take a photocopy (signed as a true copy and dated)
  • Return the documentation to the individual by recorded delivery
  • Refer the document to NIC&EO Individuals NI, Account Investigation Section (AIS) Longbenton BP1002 immediately with a memo asking them to amend the date on the record as appropriate. Provide your name and contact details should further information be required by AIS

There may be some instances where a wrong date of birth is recorded on the individual’s record as a result of information provided by an employer, due to incorrect practices followed by some employers in TRN cases. If in the course of your day to day work you become concerned that a wrong date of birth has been recorded, you should

  • Review the date of birth shown on the TRN record
  • If the date of birth has resulted in age-related allowances being allocated and you are concerned the employer has used a default date of birth, for example 01/01/1901
  • Set the manual code indicator
  • Consider whether a manual P6 should be issued
  • Consider contacting the employer to advise the importance of using the correct date of birth
  • If the date of birth has not resulted in age-related allowances being allocated
  • No further action is required