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PAYE103011 - Individual records: maintain individual details: work item 22 - DOB amended - review coding (Action Guide)

To clear work item 22 follow steps 1 - 26. This guide is presented as follows.

Initial action

Steps 1 - 6

Amended DOB reduces individual’s age to less than state pensionable age

Steps 7 - 11

Amended DOB - some age-related allowances still due as individual has moved from one age band to another

Steps 12 - 16

Amended DOB increases individual’s age to state pensionable age

Steps 17 - 26

Initial action

1. Before proceeding, check the Contact History screen to view notes and to check previous actions taken

2. Check the source of the new information against existing records to see why a change to the date of birth has been made

3. Contact the individual (PAYE103105) if you are in any doubt about which date is the correct date of birth. This is particularly important if the change will impact on age-related allowances

4. Where a change to the existing date held on the system is not appropriate update contact history and close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075

5. Where the change is appropriate select the Individual Summary screen to ensure that the amended date of birth (DOB) has been recorded

6. Check to see if the amended date may change entitlement to age-related allowances for any year or require a code change to include National Insurance Benefit (NIB)

Note: See PAYE76095 for details regarding State Pension age.

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Amended DOB reduces individual’s age to less than state pensionable age

7. Inhibit EOY reconciliation by selecting the relevant tax year from the drop down menu then selecting the button next to the Allow/Inhibit Automatic Reconciliation field in the Reconciliation Summary screen (PAYE93015) to inhibit auto reconciliation

8. Update IABD (action guide tax80002) for CY and submit to trigger tax code calculation

9. Update IABD for all earlier years affected and submit to trigger reconciliation

10. Update Contact History

11. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075

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Amended DOB - some age-related allowances still due as individual has moved from one age band to another

12. Review allowances and update IABD, as appropriate, with latest details to take account of amended DOB

13. On the Code Details screen select [Submit] to issue the tax code

14. Review spouse’s record, if appropriate

15. Update Contact History

16. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075

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Amended DOB increases individual’s age to state pensionable age

17. Check the View Review Status Summary screen to see if P161 has been issued / received in last 3 months

18. If form P161 is held check that latest details are held on income, allowances, benefits and deductions (IABD) (including details of state pension / benefits) or enter details, refer to PAYE130065 for state pension

19. On the Code Details screen select [Submit] to issue a tax code

20. Update Contact History

21. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075

22. If form P161 not held - check Contact History (last 3 months) for notes about last details of income

23. Update the income, allowances, benefits and deductions area with details of the state pension / benefit details (if details are not held - estimate the amount using the amount of the basic state pension on form P242). For information about how to enter details and submit for a code calculation refer to action guide tax80002

24. On the Code Details screen select [Submit] to issue a tax code. For more information about how the system calculates the amount of state pension / benefit to be coded, refer to PAYE76086

Note: If the system generated code increases the net coding allowances and the potential underpayment is zero, then change the basis of operation from week 1 / month 1 to cumulative on the Employments allocation screen.

25. Update Contact History

26. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075