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PAYE54125 - Employer returns: regulation 80 determinations: further determinations

Do not make a further determination on the same source if the original is under appeal. PAYE54190 tells you what to do when the amount due is increased on appeal.

A further determination is one made on the same employer and the same source for the same tax year. Follow the rules for further assessments so far as they fit a determination.

Once you are ready to make a further determination follow the guidance at PAYE54095 ‘Completing P380’ amended as follows

Welcome Screen

Tick the box - ’Is this a Further Determination’

Input Form Screen 

The entries in columns 3 and 5 should be the combined amounts for the year for each employee, including those in the first notice

The tax paid or certified in column 6 should not include any tax the employer has paid against the first determination

In column 7, on the line ‘Amount included in first determination (-)’, enter the total tax shown in the first determination

For example, an original determination made on £2,000 Code D0 tax due £800 would show in columns 2 to 7.


Pay for which tax remains unpaid

Total Pay


Tax payable at month 12 of the tax tables

Tax paid or certified

Tax now due








A further determination for an additional £3,000 pay would show


Pay for which tax remains unpaid

Total Pay


Tax payable at month 12 of the tax tables

Tax paid or certified

Tax now due








Amount included in first determination - £800


Further amount determined - £1,200

It is possible to have a second determination for a year which already has a determination (which may be either settled or under appeal) when a failure has occurred in respect of a different source.

For example, if the first determination related to tax in respect of directors' remuneration, a second determination would be needed if it became necessary to seek recovery of tax in respect of employees.