PAYE54000 - Employer returns: regulation 80 determinations: contents
PAYE54005Regulation 80 Income Tax (Pay As You Earn) Regulations 2003: SI 2003 No2682
PAYE54010Tax excluded from determinations
PAYE54015Time limits and appeals: Regulation 80(5): Parts IV and V, TMA 1970
PAYE54025Making a determination
PAYE54035Types of case
PAYE54045Estimating unpaid tax by a best of judgement
PAYE54050Potential dispute cases
PAYE54060PAYE failure spans several years
PAYE54065PAYE failure spans several years: what you might do instead
PAYE54070Making determinations: forms to use
PAYE54085Procedure for making determination - P380 (Cert)
PAYE54090Reissuing notice
PAYE54095Completing P380
PAYE54100Breaking up P380 and P380(Cont)
PAYE54105Liquidation cases - addresses
PAYE54125Further determinations
PAYE54135Care with code disputes
PAYE54140Payments on account
PAYE54145Requests for equitable treatment
PAYE54155Onus of proof
PAYE54165Employer claims relevant payment not made
PAYE54170Employer claims remuneration waived
PAYE54180Amendments to determinations: completing P382
PAYE54190Amendments on appeal
PAYE54200Form P35 received after determination made
PAYE54205Accounting for tax after determination is final
PAYE54210Claims to pay reduced amount
PAYE54215Action if you oppose a reduction
PAYE54220Action if you support a reduction
PAYE54225Late P35 shows more tax than the determination
PAYE54230Employees not named in the determination
PAYE54235Effect on employees
PAYE54245Including tax in a personal assessment
PAYE54250Benefit arising under S223 ITEPA 2003
PAYE54255Benefit arising under S223 ITEPA 2003: Regulation 80 tax
PAYE54265Interest: Interest on tax overdue
PAYE54270Regulation 80 unpaid tax - direction under Regulation 81(4) condition A or B
PAYE54295National insurance contributions - section 8 decisions
PAYE54305Reports to IPD Technical (Earnings)