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PAYE79082 - PAYE operation: targeted review forms: work item 71 - targeted review form not issued - manual correspondence (Action Guide)

To clear work item 71, follow steps 1 - 21 below. This guide is presented as follows.

Initial action

Steps 1 - 2

Manual correspondence no longer appropriate

Steps 3 - 7

Manual correspondence still appropriate

Steps 8 - 21

Initial action

1. Before proceeding check the Contact History screen to view notes and to check previous actions taken

2. View the Indicators screen and Contact History and consider whether manual correspondence is still appropriate, see PAYE103065

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Manual correspondence no longer appropriate

3. Unset the manual correspondence indicator

4. Follow the Action Guide ‘Issue review forms’ at Action guide tax36218 

5. Note the work item with the form type and date of issue

6. Update Contact History

7. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075

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Manual correspondence still appropriate

8. Note the work item that the issue of manual correspondence is still appropriate


  • For form 575T, use manual versions entering the individual’s details on the form
  • For form P87, use the manual form or the form template held on Office Clerical Assistant (OCA)
  • For form R40, use the standard form template on OCA
  • The P810 can not be issued manually or from OCA

10. Note the work item with the form type and date of issue

11. Set the manual code indicator and select ‘other’ from the drop down menu in the Reason field

12. Enter reason ‘manually issued review form (type)’ in the Other Reasons field

13. Record the manual issue of the form on the Issue Targeted Review Forms screen

14. Update Contact History

Form returned

15. See subject ‘Examining review forms’ (PAYE79025) and subsequent Action Guides

Form not returned

16. Review coding and adjust allowances and deductions in accordance with the guidance at PAYE13120

17. Issue a letter to the individual, using the standard letter template on OCA, to advise them that their tax code has been adjusted because the form was not returned

18. Note the work item with action taken

19. Unset manual code indicator

20. Update Contact History

21. Close the work item in accordance with PAYE110075