PAYE79000 - PAYE operation: targeted review forms: contents
PAYE79010Basis of issue of review forms
PAYE79015Business by telephone
PAYE79025Examining review forms
PAYE79027General rules for examining forms (Action Guide)
PAYE79031How to process form R40
PAYE79040Issue review forms
PAYE79055Letters to higher rate taxpayers (SA252)
PAYE79060Logging receipt of review forms
PAYE79061Logging receipt of review forms (Action Guide)
PAYE79062Review status summary
PAYE79065Reopening earlier years on receipt of review forms
PAYE79080Review forms issue exceptions
PAYE79081Work item 71 - targeted review form not issued - manual correspondence
PAYE79082Work item 71 - targeted review form not issued - manual correspondence (Action Guide)
PAYE79083Work item 72 - targeted review form not appropriate CPR / CPR-LBS / EXPAT
PAYE79084Work item 72 - targeted review form not appropriate CPR / CPR-LBS / EXPAT (Action Guide)
PAYE79090Review forms not returned or returned undelivered, lost or destroyed
PAYE79100Review form suggests SA case required
PAYE79105Types of review form and their issue