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PAYE93010 - Reconcile individual: end of year reconciliation: deciding if a case can be reconciled

Note: You cannot reconcile a year on NPS where the case concerned fits the SA criteria attached to work item 117 ‘Potential SA case’ (action guide tax36114 WI117) and you will need to deal with the year through SA. Further details are given at PAYE93001 under heading ‘Interaction with Self Assessment’.

A year is considered to be ready for reconciliation when all the expected ‘End of Year’ (EOY) information has been received, including EOY Records for RTI employments, forms P14 for any non RTI employments, forms P11D, third party information (BBSI) has been received, and where issued, all expected targeted review forms (for example P810 or R40) for the year have been received and captured.

To determine if a P11D is expected, the system will look at the current code and IABD to see if there are benefits included. This is to determine whether or not a P11D is expected / required as part of the reconciliation process only and where a P11D is required it will only be accepted as received for reconciliation purposes where it is received automatically from ECS (in which case Contact History will show a Form Type of ‘P11D’) or, it is captured manually into IABD as Form Type ‘P11D (MANUAL)’ (see PAYE130040 and PAYE93036).

From 2016 to 2017 where untaxed interest has been received from Bank and Building Society information (BBSI) and uploaded on to the individuals record, the system will only reconcile once all expected BBSI information has been received for the year.

When determining whether the case can be reconciled, NPS will automatically:

  • Include P45 Part 1 (U) details for JSA employment records that have ceased before the end of the tax year, in lieu of a form P14U which will not be issued for these cases.
For JSA cases where form P180(MAN) is received, to change any details included within a reconciliation you should follow the guidance at PAYE67026
  • Disregard employments that have been marked with ‘nil pay and tax’ for the year
  • Include ‘PAYE Pay’ of £0.00 and ‘Tax Paid’ of £0.00 for any RTI employment records, where the ‘NI Only Employment’ indicator has been set
  • For EOY Records or forms P14 coded NT, NPS will automatically
  • Disregard the P14 or EOY details in an end of year reconciliation where code NT was operated correctly by the employer
  • Include apportioned P14 or EOY details where code NT was operated correctly by the employer and a period of NT is held on the record for the year (PAYE93051).

If the case cannot be reconciled because EOY information for the year is outstanding, no action will be taken at this time.

If the case can be reconciled, then a number of triggers take place.

Note: If there is a gap in employments during the tax year you are no longer required to make enquiries into the employment gap. You can assume the information shown on the PAYE Service is correct and you should proceed to reconcile the case. If exceptionally you receive a form P92 or information regarding any employment gaps, use the information provided, see action guide tax80003.

Where a P14U is not available for the end of year or a P45 Part 1 (U) for claims that have ceased in-year:

  • Write to the customer asking them to send in form P60U or P45 Part 1A - if they do not hold them, they should obtain the details directly from Job Centre Plus, to support a claim to repayment
  • In cases where the customer is likely to be underpaid, do not attempt to try and reconcile early unless a request is made by the customer - the PAYE Service will automatically reconcile the year when all outstanding information is received or, it will output the case at a later date as a as work item for clerical review
  • Include third party information such as BBSI.

For further information on JSA credits see PAYE67001.

At the point at which the system determines that all information is held to allow a given year to be reconciled, it will then look to see whether it should be reconciled as a single year or included within a multiple year reconciliation (PAYE96201).

Reconciliation triggers
Manual triggers
Automatic triggers

Reconciliation triggers

Reconciliation will be triggered either automatically or as a result of an action taken by you (manual).

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Manual triggers

You can trigger reconciliation from the ‘Reconciliation Summary’ screen, by:

  • Selecting the relevant tax year from the drop down menu next to the tax year field
  • Selecting the Reconcile [Submit] button.

Reconciliation can also be triggered manually by the input of information into IABD (PAYE130001) and / or when capturing P60 details (PAYE61186) onto a customers record.

Where you receive a P525 or P528, there will be no corresponding employment. In order for the P525 or P528 income to be included in the reconciliation you will need to create an employment, see PAYE61000, and then enter a date of leaving of 5 April following the date of payment. You will then need to input the P525 or P528 pay and tax details as P60 details and trigger reconciliation.

If you try to reconcile a case and it cannot be reconciled you will receive an appropriate online message explaining why reconciliation cannot occur. Where the reason concerned is that all information required to allow the case to reconcile is not held, dependent upon the information outstanding, the message will be one of the following:

  • Reconciliation cannot occur, P14 details expected
  • Reconciliation cannot occur, a P11D is expected
  • The reconciliation cannot be completed as there is an outstanding P87
  • The reconciliation cannot be completed as there is an outstanding P810
  • Reconciliation cannot take place without BBSI actuals

Note: These online messages are received singularly, therefore where more than one item of information is outstanding, for example where a P11D has not yet been received but a P14 or EOY Record is also outstanding, you will receive the online message ‘Reconciliation cannot occur, P14 details expected’. You will not receive the online message ‘Reconciliation cannot occur, a P11D is expected’ until after the P14 or EOY Record has been received.

In the case of form P87 and / or P810, the forms are not considered to be received until they have been captured and appropriate entries from them have been recorded into IABD.

In the case of a P87 and / or P810 being outstanding, you will receive the appropriate form outstanding message for a case where you are trying to reconcile CY-1 and the form concerned is for an earlier year. You will be able to determine whether or not this is so by reviewing the information in the Review Status Summary screen. Where you do this and the form preventing CY-1 reconciling is for:

  • CY-1 and you are actively looking to reconcile the year; you should obtain the outstanding form before proceeding with the reconciliation
  • CY-1 and you are not actively looking to reconcile the year, you should take no action to obtain the form - the year concerned will be reconciled at a later date
  • An earlier year, you should proceed as follows (to clear the advisory message) before you proceed to try and reconcile CY-1 again
  • Capture receipt of the ‘outstanding’ P87 / P810 into IABD
  • Enter an amount of ‘0’ into the Tips amount field. Where tips actually apply to the case being reviewed you should enter ‘0’ in the next available unused field
  • Update Contact History with details of the action taken.

Where an employment start date is towards the end of the tax year, a non RTI employer has an option to tell us on form P45 Part 3 that they will not be sending a P14 for that year. This information is stored on the PAYE Service and the Service will not expect a P14 for that employment. Where a P46 has been submitted to create the employment, this information will not be held. Where the P14 outstanding message is received for an employment with a start date late in the year and you believe no P14 will be submitted you should record Nil Pay and Tax against that employment. The PAYE Service will then allow you to reconcile the year.

If you try to reconcile CY-1 and an earlier year remains open, CY-1 will not reconcile and you will receive the following online message:

  • Calculation cannot be processed as an earlier year needs to be reconciled

You will need to clear all earlier open years before CY-1 can be reconciled.

For cases where your review of the appropriate tax calculations associated with the reconciliation show that the case / year satisfies the SA criteria at SAM100050, you should:

  • Set the year up in SA
  • Manually set the year on NPS to ‘Reconciled - SA’
  • Update Contact History with details of the action taken.

Where the message 'Reconciliation cannot take place without BBSI Actuals' is shown this is due to IABD/Investment income/untaxed interest is expecting a Bank/Building Society (BBSI) upload containing untaxed interest for one or more individual bank account(s) held on the PAYE record.

Where individual bank accounts have not been updated by BBSI the year will manually reconcile where 'Actual' information has been provided by the customer or agent and records updated with the appropriate 'source' (see PAYE130061 Untaxed interest- NPS Display Fields & Processes). Note: any updates to individual bank/building society accounts made in this way will be overwritten by BBSI information if it is uploaded at a later date.

Re-reconciliation of the same tax year can be requested / required. This may be necessary due to:

  • Additional / new details being entered into IABD that result in a change to the customers tax liability for the year
  • Deleting details from the customers record (for example a duplicated employment) that have previously been included in a reconciliation / tax calculation for the year.

Where re-reconciliation of a year is required you can do so by either selecting the Reconcile [Submit] button on the ‘Reconciliation Summary’ screen or through the IABD screen (action guide tax80002).

Following on from the process to determine that a year can be reconciled, where the system determines that a:

  • Single year reconciliation only should take place, you will be taken to the appropriate Tax calculation screen (PAYE93037)
  • Multiple year reconciliation (PAYE96201) should take place, you will be taken to the Multiple Years Reconciliation Summary screen (PAYE93016) from which you will be able to access the Tax Calculation screens for all years covered in the reconciliation.

In both cases you are required to view the calculation(s) within the reconciliation to ensure that they are correct before you decide whether or not you proceed to authorise them to be issued.

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Automatic triggers

The main system trigger is the receipt of all the expected ‘End of Year’ (EOY) information, including EOY Records for RTI employments, forms P14 for non RTI employments, and forms P11D as described above. Additionally, validation checks (PAYE93020) will take place, to determine whether or not the reconciliation can proceed.

From 2016 to 2017 the system will check IABD untaxed interest is up to date. If there is estimated untaxed interest included in IABD/Investment Income/Untaxed interest the year will not reconcile automatically until Actual BBSI data has been received and uploaded for the year. All individual existing BBSI accounts will need to be updated before the year can reconcile.

When BBSI has been received the system will apply a 'source' reference to each individual bank account ‘Actual BBSI Pre-pop’. Once the individual account information has been updated it is ready to reconcile.  When the record contains this source the year can be reconciled automatically or manually.(see PAYE130061)

For 2016 to 2017  BBSI data the year will reconcile automatically where one account or more has been updated with the source reference ‘Actual BBSI Pre-pop’.

From 2017 to 2018 auto reconciliation will only be triggered when all existing accounts have been updated with source references 'Actual BBSI Pre-pop' or where Actual information has been provided by the customer or agent which is not updated by BBSI.

Note: no work item will be created if BBSI has not updated all existing bank account information on the record, the system will reconcile as part of the Incomplete Tax Year Scan.

Where it:

  • Can do so, NPS will automatically issue the appropriate P800 Tax Calculations to the customer and update their Reconciliation and Accounting records with regard to the year(s) concerned
  • Cannot do so, it will create an appropriate work item to allow the case to be manually reviewed

If the record has already been reconciled and further information (for example a P14, ‘Earlier Year Update’ (EYU), further year to date FPS, P11D or Bank/Building Society data for a new or existing account) is received, the system will automatically re-reconcile the year(s) concerned.  Where it:

  • Can do so, it will automatically issue the appropriate tax calculations (P800) to the customer and update their Reconciliation and Accounting records with regard to the year(s) concerned
  • Cannot do so, it will create an appropriate work item to allow the case to be manually reviewed.

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Where a year has previously been reconciled and changes have been made on a customer’s record, for example CY-3 and CY-2 previously reconciled as multi year reconciliation and an employment is inserted for CY-4 but no cessation date is shown, the PAYE Service will expect a P14 for later years and the years concerned will no longer be ripe for reconciliation.

Where re-reconciliation is triggered:

  • Online - the following message will be displayed - ‘The system cannot re-reconcile the same tax years as previously reconciled. Further investigation is required’. Where you receive such a message, you will need to follow action guide tax36134 WI315 to resolve matters
  • Through batch - work item 315 (action guide tax36134 WI315) will be created.