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PAYE93000 - Reconcile individual: end of year reconciliation: contents

  1. PAYE93001
  2. PAYE93005
    Interaction with self assessment
  3. PAYE93010
    Deciding if a case can be reconciled
  4. PAYE93015
    Reconciliation summary screen
  5. PAYE93016
    Multiple years reconciliation summary screen
  6. PAYE93020
  7. PAYE93025
    Validation checks work items (Action Guide menu)
  8. PAYE93026
    Work item 123 - SBA indicator held - no SA indicator set (Action Guide)
  9. PAYE93030
    Work item 116 - P60 - P14 discrepancy
  10. PAYE93031
    Work item 238 - manual work item - reconciliation
  11. PAYE93032
    SA start year
  12. PAYE93033
    SA Start year screen
  13. PAYE93036
    Tax calculation issues
  14. PAYE93037
    Tax calculation screen
  15. PAYE93038
    Net of tax arrangements
  16. PAYE93040
    Tax calculation - reasons for overpayment screen
  17. PAYE93045
    Tax calculation - reasons for underpayment screen
  18. PAYE93050
    Tax calculation - automatic reconciliation
  19. PAYE93051
    Automatic reconciliation where code NT operated
  20. PAYE93052
    Tax calculation work item (Action Guide menu)
  21. PAYE93057
    Work item 300 - Tax calculation reason required (Action Guide)
  22. PAYE93060
    Work item 104 - tax calculation - manual issue
  23. PAYE93061
    Work item 037 - P14 EMPT created - review EOY reconciliation (Action Guide)
  24. PAYE93065
    Tax calculation results - cancelling a tax calculation
  25. PAYE93066
    Non UK residents-S810 and S811 ITA 2007 (formerly S128 FA 1995) cases
  26. PAYE93075
  27. PAYE93080
    Small pension taken as a lump sum payment (formerly known as trivial commutation payments)
  28. PAYE93083
    Redundancy repayment calculation (Action Guide)
  29. PAYE93090
    Concessional relief
  30. PAYE93091
    Arrears of pay or pension
  31. PAYE93095
    Migration issues