PAYE95000 - Reconcile individual: HMRC delay: ESC A19: contents
PAYE95001Introduction and glossary of terms
PAYE95005Text of the concession
PAYE95010Who is eligible?
PAYE95011Employer error
PAYE95025Basic tests to be applied
PAYE95035Underpayments - overpaid tax for other tax years
PAYE95045Failure to make proper and timely use of relevant information
PAYE95050When was information received from the taxpayer?
PAYE95055Information from the employer
PAYE95060Information from the DWP
PAYE95065What years?
PAYE95070Exceptional circumstances - repeated failures
PAYE95080Reasonable belief
PAYE95081Reasonable belief - factors
PAYE95085Advisory Tool (internal use only)
PAYE95090Turning down claims for relief and objections by taxpayers
PAYE95095Authorisation of tax to be given up
PAYE95105HMRC delay ESC A19 - office record of amounts given up
PAYE95115Procedure in SA cases