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RM1532 - Amending an existing annual claims case: deceased signal set in error

When you learn that a taxpayer is deceased

complete Format 1 as follows take the action described at RM1548 onwards.

Field Notes and action required
CLAIMANT:NAME If you know the name of the administrator or executor, enter it here. \nIf you do not know the name of the administrator or executor enter \nPersonal representatives of ….dec’d. \nRM1508 tells you how a name should be entered.
CAPACITY If the name of the administrator or executor was entered in CLAIMANT:NAME enter> - Executor of….dec’d.\n> \n> or3. Administrator of ….dec’d.\n> If the name of the administrator of executor was not entered in CLAIMANT:NAME leave blank.RM1508 tells you how a name should be entered.
ADDRESS Enter the address of the person whose name you entered in CLAIMANT:NAME \nRM1512 tells you how an address should be entered.

Press SEND

If you set the deceased signal in error

  • amend the entry in DECEASED to N
  • make any necessary amendments to the other fields shown in the previous table.