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SAM003 - Functions Index

Agent for taxpayer details
Appeals / postponements
Name and address
New taxpayer
Statements / Repayments
Work management


Amend Agent
Cease or Resume Agent
New Agent Details
Trace Agent
View Agent Details
View Agent for Office

Agent for taxpayer details

Amend Taxpayer’s Agent Details
Taxpayer’s New Agent Details
View Taxpayer’s Agent Details

Appeals / postponements

Maintain Appeal
Maintain Standovers


Add/Amend Annual Compliance Details
Amend Return for Enquiry
Create Informal Discharge
Create Return Charge for Enquiry
Create Revenue Assessment
Maintain Compliance Signals
Maintain Informal Discharge
View Compliance History
View Compliance Summary
View Return for Enquiry

Name and address

Add/Amend Communication Name and Address
Amend Taxpayer Name and Address
Maintain Capacity Summary
Maintain Capacity
Set Up Capacity Details
View Communication Name and Address

New taxpayer

Set Up Company
Set Up Post BY/VA Individual
Set Up Individual Taxpayer
Set Up Partnership
Set Up Trust


Case Available For Transfer
Maintain Responsible Office
Retrieve UTR from D Reference


Amend Fixed Penalties (for tax years 2009-2010 and earlier only)
Amend Return
Create Return Charge
Create Revenue Determination
Maintain Return Profile
Maintain Return Summary
Record Date of Clerical Issue
Record Return Request
Reduce Daily Penalty (for tax years 2010-2011 and later)
Unlog Return
View/Cancel Penalties (for tax years 2010-2011 and later)
View/Control Penalties (for tax years 2010-2011 and later)
View Return
View Revenue Determination

Statements / Repayments

Amend EDP
Amend Payments on Account
Amend Relevant Dates
Authorise Selected Repayments
Cancel Draft Repayment
Cancel Freestanding Credit
Cancel Selected Repayments
Clerical Reallocation
Confirm Cancelled Repayment
Confirm Manual Repayment
Create Freestanding Credit
Create Over-Repayment Charge
Create Sundry Charge
Issue Repayment from Overpaid Balance
Maintain Payments on Account
Maintain Remissions
Maintain Revenue Assessment
Maintain Statement Inhibition
Maintain Sundry Charge
Maintain Surcharge (for tax years 2009-2010 and earlier only)
Record Transfer to COP
Remit Liability
Trace Cheque Payment
Trace Non-Cheque Payment
Transfer from OAS
Transfer from Overpaid Balance
Transfer from Taxpayer Credit
View Payment Details
View Repayment
View Statement
View Transfer from OAS
View Taxpayer Credits


Amend Taxpayer Signals
Amend Trust
Case Summary
Maintain SA Notes
Maintain Partner
Maintain Permanent Notes
Maintain Sources
Maintain Time to Pay
Maintain Trade
Request Removal from SA
Set Up Partner
Set Up Trade
View Partners for Partnership
View Taxpayer Designatory Details

Work management

Immediate Action Work List
Maintain OU Delay Period
Office Work List Summary
Operator Work List Summary
SA QME Case Selection
Taxpayer Work List

Add/Amend Annual Compliance Details

Use this function to:

  • Maintain
  • Manually selected reasons for Mandatory Review For Possible Enquiry
  • Potential Selection For Enquiry priority
  • Review Notes

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [Annual Sigs] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field and in payments on account
  • Select the [Annual Sigs] button

Add/Amend Communication Name and Address

Use this function to:

  • Enter or amend on an SA individual or partnership taxpayer record the
  • Communication name
  • Communication address and RLS status
  • Communication telephone number

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Comms] button, and then on screen Communication Name and Address
  • Select the [Update] button

Or, on screen Individual Designatory Details, if there is a [New Comms] button instead of a [Comms] button

  • Select the [New Comms] button

You will be presented with the Add Communication Name and Address screen

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Comms] or [New Comms] button following Option 1 above

Amend Agent

Use this function where your office is responsible for the agent record in the national agent file to:

  • Amend the agent’s name, address or RLS status
  • Enter or amend the agent’s telephone number

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Agent area


Enter the agent identity and select function Amend Agent

Amend EDP

Use this function to:

  • Amend the date from which a payment is effective for the purposes of calculating any interest or any repayment supplement that may arise

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and select the [Amend Date] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statement] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and select the [Amend Date] button

Amend Fixed Penalties

This function applies to tax years 2009-2010 and earlier.

Use this function to:

  • Charge fixed penalties on partners
  • Cancel a fixed penalty
  • Set or unset the Daily Penalties signal

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Amend Fixed Penalties

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Amend Penalties] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Amend Penalties] button

Amend Payments on Account

Use this function to:

  • Create or amend the 1996-97 payments on account (interim payments) following a change to the 1995-96 liability

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Amend Payments on Account from the menu

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and select the [View] button, and then on screen Payments on Account
  • Select the [Revenue Amend] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Designatory Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and select the [View] button and then in Payments on Account
  • Select the [Revenue Amend] button

Amend Relevant Dates

Use this function to:

  • Amend the date from which interest is chargeable

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and select the [Amend Date] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Designatory Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statement] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and select the [Amend Date] button

Amend Return

Use this function to:

  • Deal with taxpayer amendments
  • Correct obvious errors which come to light after processing
  • Correct keying errors made when the return was captured originally

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Return Summary
  • Enter the year and select the [View] button, and then on screen View Return
  • Select the [Amend] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen Return Summary
  • Enter the year and select the [View] button, and then on screen View Return
  • Select the [Amend] button

Amend Return for Enquiry

Use this function to:

  • Amend the return during or after an enquiry

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [Return] button, and then on screen View Return For Enquiry
  • Select the [Amend] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [Return] button and then on screen View Return For Enquiry
  • Select the [Amend] button

Amend Taxpayer’s Agent Details

Use this function to:

  • Enter or amend the following agent details on a taxpayer’s record
  • The client reference
  • The 64-8 signal
  • The date the agent ceased to act

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Agent] button, and then on screen Taxpayer’s Agent Details
  • Select the [Update] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Agent] button, and then on screen Taxpayer’s Agent Details
  • Select the [Update] button

Amend Taxpayer Name and Address

Use this function to:

  • Amend on an SA taxpayer record
  • Name
  • Base address
  • RLS status
  • Telephone number

You cannot use this function to amend individual records, to do this use TBS, see SAM101270.

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (Name & Address) area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Amend Taxpayer Name and Address

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Name/Address] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Name/Address] button

Amend Taxpayer Signals

Use this function to update the following on a taxpayer’s record:

  • Set or unset signals
  • Enter the last year for which an SA return is required
  • Enter or amend insolvency details
  • Enter or amend free hand notes

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Amend Taxpayer Signals

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Signals] button, and then on screen (Taxpayer Type) Signals
  • Select the [Update] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Signals] button, and then on screen (Taxpayer Type) Signals
  • Select the [Update] button

Amend Trust

Use this function to:

  • Amend on an SA trust taxpayer record
  • Trust address
  • Trust type
  • Foreign trust indicator

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Trust Designatory Details
  • Select the [Amend] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Amend] button

Authorise Selected Repayments

Use this function to:

  • Authorise a repayment, which is present on the REPAYMENTS TO BE AUTHORISED work list

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Authorise] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Authorise] button

Cancel Draft Repayment

Use this function to:

  • Cancel a repayment which is in draft status

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Cancel] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Cancel] button

Cancel Freestanding Credit

Use this function to:

  • Cancel a freestanding credit

Following the use of this function

  • The credit previously entered on the SA record will be cancelled. (This will reverse any previous allocation where the original credit was allocated to a charge or repayment)
  • A work item will be created and entered on the ‘Freestanding Credit Review List’. This work list is allocated to the Clerical Processing Manager

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Freestanding Credit
  • Select the [Cancel] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Freestanding Credit
  • Select the [Cancel] button

Cancel Selected Repayments

Use this function to:

  • Cancel a repayment, which is present on the REPAYMENTS TO BE AUTHORISED work list

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Cancel] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Cancel] button

Case Available For Transfer

Use this function to:

  • Transfer a case to another Organisation Unit

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Office area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Responsible Office, and then on screen Maintain Responsible Office
  • Select the [Case Available for Transfer] button

Case Summary

Use this function to:

  • View all aspects of an SA taxpayer’s record

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Case Summary

Cease or Resume Agent

Use this function, where your office is responsible for the agent record in the national agent file, to:

  • Cease the agent
  • Note that the agent has resumed trading
  • Note that the agent has been succeeded by, or merged with, another agent

The Agent Maintainer can access this function as follows:


In the User Role Function Menu- Agent area


Enter the Agent identity and select function Cease or Resume Agent

Clerical Reallocation

Use this function to:

  • Reallocate credits within the SA record of an individual or trust

This function is accessed through the [Reallocate] button in Function VIEW STATEMENT

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the [Reallocate] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the [Reallocate] button

Confirm Cancelled Repayment

Use this function to:

  • Record the cancellation details for an Authorised or Issued repayment

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Cancel] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Cancel] button

Confirm Manual Repayment

Use this function to:

  • Record details in respect of an SA repayment made by either CHAPS or local office payable order

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Confirm] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button, then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Confirm] button

Create Freestanding Credit

Use this function to:

  • Enter a freestanding credit on the SA record for an individual or a trust where, for example
  • An in-year repayment is to be made for an SC60 deduction
  • Relief is to be given in respect of a claim to carry back of losses or pension contributions
  • A set-off is to be made from a COP / CODA overpayment

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Statement area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Create Freestanding Credit

Create Informal Discharge

Use this function to:

  • Informally discharge any outstanding debits for a specified taxpayer where the liability forms part of a contract settlement


1. Any type of debit may be informally discharged where it has a collectible amount

2. Any amounts stoodover (formally or informally) are collectible when calculating the collectible amount

3. The function may be used only by officers who have the Enquiry Officer user role

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Create Informal Discharge

Create Over-Repayment Charge

Use this function to:

  • Replace all or part of an over-repaid amount with an interest bearing over-repayment charge
Option 1

In User Role Function Menu - Work area

  • Select 'Immediate Action Work Lists'. Select work list W044 and select work item. Then select View Statement
  • On screen View Statement select the statement line that relates to the repayment that is over-repaid and then the [Create Over-Repayt] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select View Statement, then on screen View Statement
  • Select the statement line that relates to the repayment that is over-repaid and then the [Create Over-Repayt] button

Create Return Charge

Use this function to:

  • Create or amend a charge for an individual or a trust where the automatic calculation of liability from the return is not possible

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and the year and select function Create Return Charge

Create Return Charge for Enquiry

Use this function to:

  • Amend the charge arising from a return during or after an enquiry

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu, then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [Charge] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [Charge] button

Create Revenue Assessment

Use this function to:

  • Enter the charge arising from a Revenue assessment on the SA taxpayer record

To access this function

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu, then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Select the [Assessment] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Select the [Assessment] button

Create Revenue Determination

Use this function to:

  • Enter details of a Revenue determination of liability, in the absence of a return

The system will issue a formal notice of determination.

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Maintain Summary
  • Select the [New Determination] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [New Determination] button

Create Sundry Charge

Use this function to:

  • Set up a charge for an individual or trust or company for a
  • Net Underpayment, or
  • Manually raised miscellaneous penalty, or
  • SA stranded underpayment

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Create Sundry Charge

Immediate Action Work List

Use this function to:

  • View a summary of all work lists for your Organisation Unit under your user role requiring immediate action
  • Select a work list you want to action or see the individual entries

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Work area


Select function Immediate Action Work List

Issue Repayment from Overpaid Balance

Use this function to:

  • Repay all or part of the overpaid balance from the SA system to the taxpayer, agent or nominee
  • Calculate repayment supplement, if applicable
  • Specify the method of repayment
  • Issue a repayment from an SA repayment that has previously been cancelled in function VIEW REPAYMENT

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the line number and then the [Repay] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the line number and then the [View] button, and then on screen View Repayment
  • Select the [Repay] button

Maintain Appeal

Use this function to:

  • View details of up to 150 open and / or closed appeals on the taxpayer’s record within the last 7 years, or
  • Where you have update access to close an appeal
  • Move to function CREATE APPEAL to open an appeal
  • Move to function MAINTAIN STANDOVERS to view and / or maintain standover details relating to an open appeal

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Appeals area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Appeal from the menu

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Appeals] button

Maintain Capacity

Use this function to:

  • View and amend details of the selected capacity

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (Name & Address) area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Capacity Summary, and then on screen Capacity Summary
  • Select the line number and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Capacities] button, and then on screen Capacity Summary
  • Select the line number and then the [View] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Capacities] button, and then on screen Capacity Summary
  • Select the line number and then the [View] button

Maintain Capacity Summary

Use this function to:

  • View the list of live and ceased capacities for the taxpayer
  • Re-allocate main capacity status and
  • Cease one or more live capacities

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (Name & Address) area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Capacity Summary

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Capacities] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu- Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Capacities] button

Maintain Compliance Signals

Use this function to:

  • View compliance notes, third party information and compliance information
  • Enter, amend or delete any of these items

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Maintain Compliance Signals

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu, then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Select the [Other Sigs] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Select the [Other Sigs] button

Maintain SA Notes

Use this function to:

  • View or add SA Notes on the taxpayer’s SA record

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain SA Notes

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [SA Notes] button

Maintain Informal Discharge

Use this function to:

  • View details of all debits for a taxpayer which have an amount informally discharged


1. You may use the function to cancel or amend any informal discharges already made, for example, where the taxpayer has reneged on the contract settlement or incorrect figures have been used

2. Cancellation of the informal discharge will bring the liability back into SA to be pursued in the usual manner

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the [View Discharges] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the [View Discharges] button

Maintain OU Delay Period

Use this function to:

  • Amend the parameter bringing uncaptured returns on to the W042 ‘Returns not captured’ worklist

To access this function


Using the Clerical Processing Manager Role (CLPM)

In the User role Function Menu - Work area

  • Select W042 - Maintain OU Delay Period
  • In the ‘New Period’ field enter the appropriate value from 14 to 45

Maintain Partner

Use this function to:

  • View details of a partner source and
  • Amend dates of commencement or cessation with the selected partnership

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Sources, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the Partner source reference and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the Partner source reference and then the [View] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the Partner source reference and then the [View] button

Maintain Payments on Account

Use this function to:

  • Adjust payments on account (interim payments) following receipt of a valid claim from the taxpayer
  • View the latest payments on account and a full history of payments for a selected year

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button

Maintain Permanent Notes

Use this function to:

  • Add a Permanent Note to a selected taxpayer record
  • Review existing Permanent Notes for a selected taxpayer

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Maintain Permanent Notes

Maintain Remissions

Use this function to:

  • View or cancel remissions posted to a taxpayer’s record

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View Remissions] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View Remissions] button

Maintain Responsible Office

Use this function to:

  • View details of offices that have responsibility for different types of Revenue Activity for a selected taxpayer
  • Transfer responsibility for your area of Revenue Activity to another office
  • Set or unset the automatic move signal on the SA taxpayer’s record

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Office area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Responsible Office

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu- Taxpayer area

  • Select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Office] button

From function Maintain Responsible Office you can access the following two subsidiary functions:

  • Inhibit Auto Move - Select the [Auto Move] button in function Maintain Responsible Office
  • Transfer Case - Select the [Transfer] button in function Maintain Responsible Office

Maintain Return Profile

Use this function to:

  • Note on an SA taxpayer record, details of the supplementary pages to accompany the return

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Profile

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Return Profile] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Return Profile] button

Maintain Return Summary

Use this function to:

  • View information in respect of a particular SA return
  • Move to a range of other functions, if within your User Role, to update return details

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button

Maintain Revenue Assessment

Use this function to:

  • View and amend a charge arising from a Revenue assessment

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button

Maintain Sources

Use this function to:

  • Nominate one of the trading or partner sources as the new main source, on an SA individual taxpayer record
  • Nominate a trading source as the new main source, on an SA trust taxpayer record
  • Create, amend, or break a link between an SA individual taxpayer record and a COP or CODA record
  • Create, amend, or break a link between an SA trust or partnership taxpayer record and a CODA record

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Maintain Sources

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button

Maintain Standovers

Use this function to:

  • View details of amounts held over, formally or informally, in respect of a selected charge

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Standovers] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Standovers] button

Maintain Statement Inhibition

Use this function to:

  • Inhibit the issue of a taxpayer statement, or
  • Cancel an inhibition and resume the issue of taxpayer statements

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Statement area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select Maintain Statement Inhibition

Maintain Sundry Charge

Use this function to:

  • View and amend the amount of a sundry charge

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statements
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View ] button

Maintain Surcharge

This function applies to tax years 2009-2010 and earlier.

Use this function to:

  • View and cancel a surcharge for a specified year

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Surcharge] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Surcharge] button

Maintain Time to Pay

Use this function to:

  • View Time to Pay arrangements for a taxpayer. You will see details of any arrangement that
  • Is currently in operation
  • Has been concluded or cancelled

If you have update access you can use this function to:

  • Set up a new Time to Pay arrangement (where there is no current arrangement in operation)
  • Amend the start or end date of any current Time to Pay arrangement or
  • Cancel the most recent Time to Pay arrangement (even where it has expired)

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Amend Taxpayer Signals, and then
  • Select the [Time To Pay] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Signals] button, and then on screen (Taxpayer Type) Signals
  • Select the [Update] button, and then on screen (Taxpayer Type) Signals
  • Select the [Time To Pay] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Signals] button, and then on screen (Taxpayer Type) Signals
  • Select the [Update] button, and then on screen (Taxpayer Type) Signals
  • Select the [Time To Pay] button

Maintain Trade

Use this function to:

  • View or amend on an SA taxpayer record details of a trade source
  • Business name, business address or RLS status
  • Trade description or TCN (Generic TCN 6616 to be used in all cases other than CIS cases where TCN 3001 should be used)
  • Enter or amend trade start or end dates

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Sources, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the Trade source reference (TCN 6616 or 3001) and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the Trade source reference (TCN 6616 or 3001) and then the [View] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the Trade source reference (TCN 6616 or 3001)and then the [View] button

New Agent Details

Use this function, where the agent's address falls within your office's area, to:

  • Record details of a new agent on the national agent file

The Agent Maintainer can access this function as follows:


In the User Role Function Menu - Agent area


Select function New Agent Details

Office Work List Summary

Use this function to:

  • View a statistical summary (number of cases on list and number of cases for which B/F date set) of all work lists currently containing entries in your Organisation Unit under your User Role

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Office area


Select function Office Work List Summary

Operator Work List Summary

Use this function to:

  • View a summary of all work lists for your Organisation Unit under your User Role and
  • Select the work list you want to action or for which you want to view the individual entries

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Work area


Select function Operator Work List Summary

Record Date of Clerical Issue

Use this function to:

  • Record the date of manual issue, or re-issue, of returns for
  • Any SA year not properly served, and for
  • Partnerships with a company as partner

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Select function Record Date of Clerical Issue

Record Return Request

Use this function to:

  • Request in respect of CY-1, for an individual, partnership or trust for the automatic
  • Re-issue of an SA return where the original was not served
  • Issue of a duplicate return
  • Late issue of an original return

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Record Return Request

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Request Return] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Request Return] button

Record Transfer to COP

Use this function to:

  • Record that the total of any unpaid tax and NIC for a specific return year has been transferred from SA to COP for coding out

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area


Select function Record Transfer to COP

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Transfer] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Transfer] button

Reduce Daily Penalty

This function applies to 2010-2011 and later

Use this function to:

  • Reduce a daily penalty that has been raised for a specific year

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and year and select function Reduce Daily Penalty

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary from the menu. Then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the View/Cancel Penalties button and then on screen View/Cancel Penalties
  • Select the Reduce Daily Penalty button

Remit Liability

Use this function to:

  • Remit either one specific charge, or all outstanding charges including any not yet due

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Remit] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statement] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Remit] button

Request Removal from SA

Use this function to:

  • Withdraw a Notice to file a return
  • Close an SA record
  • Set the ‘No SA Criteria’ indicator’

To access this function


In the User Role Function Menu – Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Request Removal from SA

Retrieve UTR from D Reference

Use this function to:

  • Ascertain for a CODA record
  • The SA Unique Taxpayer Reference
  • The Processing Office (as Organisation Unit) responsible for the SA record

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Office area


Enter the taxpayer’s Sch D reference (which consists of the Office number and the register number allocated to the taxpayer) and select function Retrieve UTR from D Reference

SA QME Case Selection

Use this function to:

  • Creating a request for a new selection list to select returns for inclusion in the Quality Monitoring Exercise (QME), or
  • Display existing selection lists that have been previously created

To access this function:


In the User Role SA Quality Case Selection Officer select Function Menu - Work area


Select the SA QME Case Selection option found under the Work dropdown menu

Set Up Capacity Details

Use this function to:

  • Enter capacity details on an SA individual or trust taxpayer record

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (Name & Address) area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Set Up Capacity Details

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [New Capacity] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [New Capacity] button

Set Up Company

Use this function to:

  • Set up an SA record for a company which is a partner in a partnership

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (New Taxpayer) area


Enter the company reference and select function Set Up Company

Set Up Individual Taxpayer

Use this function to:

  • Set up an SA record for an individual (including partner) taxpayer, and to
  • Create a link between the new SA and main source COP or CODA record

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (New Taxpayer) area


Select function Set Up Individual Taxpayer

Set Up Partner

Use this function to:

  • Set up a partner source on an SA individual record
  • Create a link between the individual and partnership records
  • Enter or amend the date an individual taxpayer started as a partner with a particular partnership

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Set Up Partner

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the [New Partner] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individuals Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the [New Partner] button

Set Up Partnership

Use this function to:

  • Set up an SA partnership record
  • Create a link between the SA and CODA partnership records

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (New Taxpayer) area


Select function Set Up Partnership

Set Up Post BY/VA Individual

Use this function to:

  • Set up a new SA record for a taxpayer where the individual has continued trading after becoming bankrupt or entering into a voluntary arrangement

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (New Taxpayer) area


Select function Set Up Post BY/VA Individual

Set Up Trade

Use this function to:

  • Set up a new trading source on an SA record

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Set Up Trade

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the [New Trade] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Sources] button, and then on screen Sources
  • Select the [NewTrade] button

Set Up Trust

Use this function to:

  • Set up an SA trust taxpayer record for
  • Trusts
  • Pension schemes (formerly superannuation funds)
  • Periods of administration
  • Create a link between the new SA and main source CODA record

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (New Taxpayer) area


Select function Set Up Trust

Taxpayer’s New Agent Details

Use this function to:

  • Link an SA taxpayer record with the record for the acting agent, by entering the national agent code
  • Enter the client reference
  • Set the 64-8 signal

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Agent area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Taxpayer’s New Agent Details

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [New Agent] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [New Agent] button

Taxpayer Work List

Use this function to:

  • View a summary of all work lists which contain an entry for the taxpayer, and
  • Select the work list for which you want to take action

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Work] button

Trace Agent

Use this function to:

  • Trace the national agent code for a particular agent

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Agent area


Enter the Agent Name Stem and the Postcode and select function Trace Agent

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [New Agent] button, and then on screen Taxpayer’s New Agent Details
  • Select the [Trace Agent] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [New Agent] button, and then on screen Taxpayer’s New Agent Details
  • Select the [Trace Agent] button

Trace Cheque Payment

Use this function to:

  • Search for a cheque payment on the record where you hold information about the cheque

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area


Select function Trace Cheque Payment

Trace Non-Cheque Payment

Use this function to:

  • Search for a payment, other than a cheque payment, on the record

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area


Select function Trace Non-Cheque Payment

Transfer from OAS

Use this function to:

  • Transfer up to 6 amounts in OAS to a taxpayer’s SA record

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Transfer from OAS

Transfer from Overpaid Balance

Use this function to:

  • Transfer all or part of an overpaid balance to the Accounts Office OAS system

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Transfer] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Transfer] button

Transfer from Taxpayer Credit

Use this function to:

  • Transfer all or part of a specific credit to the Accounts Office OAS system

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Transfer] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [Transfer] button

Unlog Return

Use this function to:

  • Unlog the receipt of a return where it is
  • Unsigned
  • Incomplete
  • Logged to the wrong taxpayer record
  • Captured to the wrong record
  • Logged to the wrong year, or
  • Signed by and unauthorised person

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Unlog] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [Unlog] button

View Agent Details

Use this function to:

  • View the details of a particular agent record held in the national agent computer file

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Agent area


Enter the Agent Identity and select function View Agent

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [New Agent] button and then on screen Taxpayer’s New Agent Details
  • Select the [View Agent Details] button

View Agent for Office

Use this function to:

  • View the details of a particular agent record associated with that Organisation Unit identity
  • View a list of agent details from a particular point. To do this enter the first character of the agent name in the start point field and press OK

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Agent area


Enter the Organisation Unit Identifier and select the function View Agents For Office

View/Cancel Penalties

For tax years 2010-2011 onwards.

Use this function to:

  • View penalties that have been raised for a specific year
  • Cancel a penalty for a specified year

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and year and select function View/Cancel Penalties

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns Area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary from the menu. On screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select [View/Cancel Penalties]
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button and then on Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [View/Cancel Penalties] button

View Communication Name and Address

Use this function to:

  • View on an SA individual or partnership taxpayer record the
  • Communication name
  • Communication address and RLS status
  • Communication telephone number

To access this function:

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer (Name & Address) area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Communication Name and Address

View Compliance History

Use this function to:

  • View details held on the SA system of an enquiry into a return

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance History

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu. On screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [View Enq] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [View Enq] button

View Compliance Summary

Use this function to:

  • View compliance information and enquiry details

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button

View/Control Penalties

For tax years 2010-2011 onwards.

Use this function to:

  • View where any penalties have been suspended for a specific year
  • Suspend the creation of future penalties for a specified year

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and year and select function View/Control Penalties

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

(Only available where a penalty has already been charged for 2010-2011)

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [View/Cancel Penalties] button and then on screen View/Cancel Penalties
  • Select the [View/Control Penalties] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

(Only available where a penalty has already been charged for 2010-2011)

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [View/Cancel Penalties] button then on screen View/Cancel penalties
  • Select the [View/Control Penalties] button

View Partners for Partnership

Use this function to:

  • View details of all live and ceased partners which are linked to a specified partnership

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the partnership reference and select function View Partners for Partnership

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the partnership reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Partnership Designatory Details
  • Select the [Partners] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the partnership reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Partnership Designatory Details
  • Select the [Partners] button

View Payment Details

Use this function to:

  • View full payment details for any selected payment

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button

View Repayment

Use this function to:

  • View repayments in conjunction with work lists. If you have the User Role the buttons allow you to authorise and cancel repayments from this function

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button

View Return

Use this function to:

  • View details of a return, currently held on the mainframe, for an individual or partnership on the LDC system
  • View the tax calculation in the case of an individual

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Return from the menu

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [View] button
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [View] button

View Return for Enquiry

Use this function to:

  • View return details for a specified year

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Compliance area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Compliance Summary from the menu. On screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [Return] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Compliance] button and then on screen View Compliance Summary
  • Enter a year in the SELECT YEAR ENDING 5 APRIL field, and
  • Select the [Return] button

View Revenue Determination

Use this function to:

  • View details of a Revenue determination of liability, in the absence of a return

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Returns area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Maintain Return Summary, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [View Determination] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Returns] button, and then on screen Maintain Return Summary
  • Select the [View Determination] button

View Statement

Use this function to:

  • View for a particular SA taxpayer
  • The most recent statements created (up to 84 statements can be viewed)
  • ‘Today’s’ statement (details available up to ‘today’ are displayed)

To access this function

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select View Statement

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select Function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button

View Taxpayer’s Agent Details

Use this function to:

  • View the following details of the agent acting for a particular SA taxpayer
  • National agent code (as agent identity)
  • Name, address, and telephone number
  • Client reference
  • 64-8 status

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Agent area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer’s Agent Details

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details, and then on screen Individual Designatory Details
  • Select the [Agent] button

If there are no agent details on the SA taxpayer record there will be a [New Agent] button displayed

  • Select this [New Agent] button if you wish to add new agent details on the taxpayer record
Option 3

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button, and then on screen Individual Designatory details
  • Select the [Agent] button

If there are no agent details on the SA taxpayer record there will be a [New Agent] button displayed

  • Select this [New Agent] button if you wish to add new agent details on the taxpayer record

View Taxpayer Credits

Use this function to:

  • View details of all credits on an SA record for a specific taxpayer

To access this function:


In the User Role Function Menu - Statement area

  • Select the function View Taxpayers Credits
  • Select the appropriate dates
  • Select the line and click OK
  • Click VIEW
  • Click OK
  • Select the line and click OK

Please note, the final two steps are not needed for credits transferred onto Self- Assessment.

View Taxpayer Designatory Details

Use this function to:

  • View on an SA taxpayer record
  • Taxpayer name, base address, and capacity details
  • Signals and solvency details
  • Reference details, including any link to a COP or CODA record
  • Free hand notes

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area


Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Taxpayer Designatory Details

Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Designatory] button

Breathing Space

Statements/Repayments - View Breathing Space eligibility

Use this function to:

  • View details of all breathing space agreements on a SA record for a specific taxpayer

In the User Role Function Menu - Statement area


Select the function View Breathing Space Eligibility

View Transfer from OAS

Use this function to:

  • View full details for any selected transfer from OAS

To access this function:

Option 1

In the User Role Function Menu - Statements area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function View Statement, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then on the [View] button
Option 2

In the User Role Function Menu - Taxpayer area

  • Enter the taxpayer reference and select function Case Summary, and then on screen Case Summary
  • Select the [Statements] button, and then on screen View Statement
  • Select the Statement Line and then the [View] button