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SAM101071 - Records: maintain taxpayer record: w050 CID framework rejection work list (Action Guide)

When reviewing the ‘CID Framework Rejection’ work list, follow steps 1 - 15 below. This guide is presented as follows

Initial review - Steps 1 - 3
Work list entries where you want to retain the newly created SA record - Steps 4 - 9
Work list entries where you want to retain the record already on CID framework - Steps 10 - 14
All cases - Step 15

For details of how to access any of the SA functions, select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

Initial review

Note: Where the new SA record is set up which is identified in the CID framework as a potential duplicate (Record A), a work item will be created. The work item properties will show the UTR, NINO and EMPREF of the record that is already on the CID framework (Record B) and is showing as a live SA record. You will need to review each record in order to decide which one should be kept.

1. Use Function AMEND TAXPAYER SIGNALS to set the ‘SA Entry / Exit Letter Inhibited’ signal on both records to prevent the issue of the SA250 and SA251 welcome and exit letters

2. Review each case to ensure the records relate to the same taxpayer. If the records relate to different taxpayers send details to the SA Mixed Record team, (See SAM101105 and SAM101106). If they relate to the same taxpayer decide which case you want to make dormant

3. Review each case to decide which record is to be retained as the taxpayer’s main SA record, for example in BY (Bankruptcy) and VA (Voluntary Agreement) cases. The BY or VA record will need to be made dormant and the post BY or VA record will become the taxpayers main record

Work list entries where you want to retain the newly created SA record

4. Where Record B has the Final Return Year signal set on SA but TBS shows the record as SA live

  • Remove the Final Return Year, then wait until the following day to re enter the Final Return Year

5. Records that are showing as SA live on TBS and the SA record does not have Final Return Year set

  • Set the Final Return Year on Record B

6. Before proceeding, you must ensure the TBS record shows that Record B is dormant. This will mean waiting overnight for the action taken at steps 4 or 5 to update the TBS record

7. Use the [Activate Case] button on the work list. This will confirm that Record A should be set up

8. Use Function AMEND TAXPAYER SIGNALS to unset the ‘SA Entry / Exit Letter Inhibited’ signal on Record A

9. If the designatory details on Record A are out of line with TBS

  • Wait overnight until Record A is shown on TBS as a live SA record
  • Update the TBS record with the most recent information

Work list entries where you want to retain the record already on CID framework

10. Use Function AMEND TAXPAYER SIGNALS to unset the ‘SA Entry / Exit Letter Inhibited’ signal on Record B

11. Use function AMEND TAXPAYER SIGNALS to set the Final Return Year signal on the newly created record (Record A)

12. Make an SA Note on Record A as follows

  • ‘W050 entry d/d [dd/mm/yyyy]. Duplicate record identified. Final Return Year set [dd/mm/yyyy]. Main SA record (enter UTR)’

13. The work item will be cleared from the work list

14. Issue the following letter to the taxpayer

  • ‘I wrote to you recently to say that a Self Assessment record had been set-up for you under the reference shown above. As I already hold a record for you there was no need to set-up the new record and I apologise for this mistake.
    I will now close down the incorrect record. Please continue to use the reference [enter UTR of the record that will be retained]’

All cases

15. For the record that has been made dormant

  • Use function MAINTAIN COMPLIANCE SIGNALS to check if there is an entry in the ‘CIS Identifier’ field

If there is an entry in this field you must ensure that these details are entered onto the correct live record

CIS will be automatically updated when

  • TBS holds the correct details, or
  • TBS has been updated