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SAM101000 - Records: maintain taxpayer record: contents

  1. SAM101001
  2. SAM101010
    Address flow from CID framework to SA
  3. SAM101020
    Address: computer review
  4. SAM101030
    Address RLS
  5. SAM101031
    Address RLS (Action Guide)
  6. SAM101040
    Automatic removal of cases from SA using CY-1 return
  7. SAM101042
    Criteria for auto removal of cases from SA using CY-1 return
  8. SAM101043
    Automatic removal of ceased self employed and/or partner cases from SA
  9. SAM101050
    Automatic unsetting of 'Last SA return required' signal
  10. SAM101060
    Breaking the SA and PAYE link
  11. SAM101070
    W050 CID framework rejection work list
  12. SAM101071
    W050 CID framework rejection work list (Action Guide)
  13. SAM101075
    SA exceptions from Frameworks merging process
  14. SAM101076
    SA exceptions from Frameworks merging process (Action Guide)
  15. SAM101080
    Deferred class 4 NIC
  16. SAM101090
    Dormant records
  17. SAM101091
    Dormant record (Action Guide menu)
  18. SAM101092
    Dormant records: making a record dormant (Action Guide)
  19. SAM101093
    Dormant records: re-activating a dormant record (Action Guide)
  20. SAM101094
    Dormant records: automation of dormant record process
  21. SAM101100
    Duplicate SA records
  22. SAM101101
    Duplicate SA records (Action Guide)
  23. SAM101105
    SA mixed records
  24. SAM101106
    SA mixed records (Action Guide)
  25. SAM101110
    Employer compliance system - expenses and benefits
  26. SAM101120
    HMRC delay in using information
  27. SAM101121
    HMRC delay in using information (Action Guide)
  28. SAM101130
    I filers exception printout
  29. SAM101131
    I filers exception printout (Action Guide)
  30. SAM101140
    Inhibit auto closure signal
  31. SAM101150
    Inhibition of statements
  32. SAM101160
    Liability unlikely
  33. SAM101170
    Linking SA and PAYE records
  34. SAM101180
    Maintain agent for taxpayer
  35. SAM101190
    Maintain capacities
  36. SAM101200
    Maintain company record
  37. SAM101210
    Maintain individual record
  38. SAM101220
    Maintain partner
  39. SAM101230
    Maintain partnership record
  40. SAM101240
    Maintain taxpayer return profile
  41. SAM101250
    Maintain trade
  42. SAM101260
    Maintain trust record
  43. SAM101270
    Maintaining addresses
  44. SAM101290
    Nominated partner
  45. SAM101310
    W045 Pensioner and low income review list
  46. SAM101320
    W046 Pensioner and low income quality review list
  47. SAM101330
  48. SAM101340
    W032 RLS cases work list
  49. SAM101350
    View taxpayer's details
  50. SAM101360
    Who can amend a taxpayer record
  51. SAM101370
    Budget Payment Plan signal
  52. SAM101380
    Scottish income tax
  53. SAM101390
    Welsh income tax