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SAM101340 - Records: maintain taxpayer record: w032 RLS cases work list

Day to day work

The subject ‘Address RLS’ (SAM101030) provides background, advice and an Action Guide (SAM101031) regarding addresses that become RLS. Included are

  • The initial action to take to trace a later address
  • The procedures for referring the need to trace an address to your associated office with accounting responsibility

Work List

A work item is created immediately when

  • All addresses on the SA record which could be used to address correspondence either have the RLS signal present or have ceased


  • There is a current work item of another type, which requires an address to be established


  • A work item of another type, which requires an address to be established, would be created

The RLS work item will replace the other item(s) until such time as a current address is traced and entered on the SA record. The associated work item will be displayed in Work Management for the RLS work item.

The work item is allocated to the responsible Debt Management office. An operator with the user role of Clerical Caseworker in the Debt Management office should use function MAINTAIN RESPONSIBLE OFFICE to transfer recovery responsibility to their associated office with accounting responsibility, where the Tracing Unit is set up as an Organisation Unit with the Revenue activity of recovery. The Work List will there be the responsibility of operators with the user role of Clerical Caseworker - Recovery.

The Work List effectively contains only items for priority cases, in that the address is required to clear other work items. The listed cases should already be working at the office with accounting responsibility, having been referred there when the original RLS item was received.

The Debt Management office responsibility is to ensure that the work items are directed to the correct Organisation Unit within their associated office with accounting responsibility.

Allocation of work in offices with accounting responsibility

Cumbernauld has concentrated RLS work in Organisation Unit 397001. Shipley has concentrated the work in Organisation Unit 397120.

The Tracing Unit(s) in each office has responsibility for

  • Tracing a new address, in accordance with their internal procedures
  • Entering the new address on the SA record

Where a later address cannot be traced, the item will remain on the Work List unless the item on the original Work List is cleared. Otherwise, the work item is deleted from the RLS Work List when the address which is RLS on the SA record is amended.

When a new address has been traced and entered on the SA record, the Tracing Unit will use function MAINTAIN RESPONSIBLE OFFICE to transfer recovery responsibility back to the Debt Management office.