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SAM72020 - Manage work: access to records: individual access

To access the SA system you must

  • Select ISSO - Interim Single Sign On
  • Select ‘Self Assmnt 2000’ from left menu
  • Select ’Self Assessment 2000’ from available services and Start Service
  • Select the required user role, if you have more than one user role


Taxpayer record

You can access a taxpayer record by one of three methods

  • The menu
  • Case View hierarchy
  • Work Management

Function CASE SUMMARY, the top level of the Case View hierarchy, is available for whole case working, that is carrying out multiple tasks for the same taxpayer.

If a single task is to be carried out on the taxpayer record, it is invariably more efficient in both operational and computer resource terms to access the required function from the Function Menu. Where the required function is not available from the Menu, then the Case View hierarchy may be entered at a lower level than function CASE SUMMARY.

The menu

If the function that you require is available from the menu

  • Enter the taxpayer reference


  • Select the required function from the menu


  • Select the customised function button

Initially a default set of buttons is presented in the Function Menu for commonly used functions within each user role. You may add further customised buttons for functions that you commonly use, and are encouraged to do so.

Case View hierarchy

  • Enter the taxpayer reference in the menu


  • Select function CASE SUMMARY for a whole case working approach


  • Select a function at the required level of the Case View hierarchy if you want to carry out a single task on the taxpayer’s SA record

Work Management

In practice you would already be in Work Management if choosing this route to access a particular SA record.

  • Select one of the following functions from the menu


    And then

    • Select a work list
    • Select a work item on that list


  • Enter the taxpayer reference in the menu

    • Select function CASE SUMMARY
    • In function CASE SUMMARY, select the [Work] button

Secondary password

Access to certain functions will be protected by a secondary password. Only selected operators will be allocated a secondary password. This will enable them to use the

  • Office Manager functions, to set up and amend operator details
  • Repayment authorisation functions

Agent record

To access an agent record

  • Select the required user role
  • Enter the national agent code
  • Select the required function