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SAM72030 - Manage work: access to records: responsible offices and agents

As from 23 November 2009, a new centralised team based in Longbenton deals with all SA agent maintainer work for Customer Operations PSA. Agents should be advised that maintenance of their agents details are made by the Agent Maintainer Team within the Central Agent Authorisation Team (CAAT AM Team) and communications must be by letter only.

Any correspondence for agents based abroad (including Channel Islands and Isle of Man) should be sent to

CAR Abroad Agent Maintainer at CAR Residency
St Johns House
Unit 353, Merton Road
L75 1BB

All other SA agent maintainer customer correspondence should be redirected to the team at

Agent Maintainer Team
PT Ops North East England
United Kingdom

The CAAT Agent Maintainer team deals only with written enquiries from agents to set up new records, allocate their ID codes and maintain their correspondence details

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)