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SW05240 - Registration and Enrolment: Issue of Known Facts Letters

To be able to use Shared Workspace a new Customer member must register and enrol with HMRC online services.

New Customer members are unable to enrol for Shared Workspace until they have been added to a Room SW04235 and obtained two letters containing information called ‘Known Facts’.

Known Facts Letters

Once a customer member is added to a Room the service automatically generates two letters with the following Known Facts

  • Shared Workspace Number Identity
  • Shared Workspace Activation Token

These are needed to enrol for the Shared Workspace service.

The Known Facts letters, along with full instructions on how to register and enrol, are posted to the Customer member care of the address of the Customer Nominated Contact (CNC) who made the request for the Customer member to join the Room.

Note: Where the Customer Member is at a different address to the CNC, the CNC is responsible for making arrangements for the letters to be forwarded to the Customer Member.

For security purposes the letters are posted separately so they may arrive at different times. The member must wait until both have arrived before trying to register and enrol for Shared Workspace.

If a Customer Member does not receive or loses the Known Facts letters before enrolling for the service, the letters can be reissued SW05250.

For help with passwords after enrolling for the service please see SW03230.