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SW05230 - Registration and Enrolment: Customer Member

Customer Nominated Contacts (CNC) are responsible for adding members of their organisation to the Room for which they are responsible SW05410.

Customer Members must have a valid business need to be eligible for Shared Workspace and must intend to use the service. Access must not be given on a provisional basis.

Learning Requirements

Before applying for the service HMRC recommends that all Customer Members should successfully complete the basic Customer Member Online Learning package SW02260. If appointed the role of CNC, HMRC recommends they should also complete the Customer Nominated Contact Online Learning package SW02250.

Accessing the Service

HMRC Business Authorising Officers approve or reject requests to Add a Customer Member to a Room SW04235

Once a request is approved, the new Customer Member is sent a Shared Workspace User ID and a SW Activation Token SW05240 by letter, generally referred to as “Known Facts”. The Customer Member uses these details to enrol for the Shared Workspace service through HMRC Online Services.