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SW05430 - Room Membership: Remove HMRC Member from a Room

When an HMRC member no longer has a business need to access a SW Room (e.g. through a change of duties) it is that member’s responsibility to remove themselves immediately from that Room.

This is done by using the ‘remove me from room’ button which is located in the top right hand corner of the Room.

Having removed themselves from the Room, if the HMRC Member has no further business need to be an active member of Shared Workspace they should advise their Line Manager of their situation. The Line Manager must then de-enrol the member from the service SW05260.

If for any reason the member is unable to access the service (e.g. long term absence), the BAO can remove them from the Room.

Prompt removal and deletion of HMRC Members:

  • prevents HMRC Members from accessing information that they may not have a need or authority to view
  • reduces the BAO’s time when making Room Membership Checks SW03620
  • Allows the re-allocation of membership licences.