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SW05440 - Room Membership: Remove Customer Member from a Room

It is the responsibility of the Customer Nominated Contacts (CNCs) to manage the membership of their Customer Organisation within a Room.

Where there is no longer a business need for a Customer Member to have access to a Room, for instance through a change of duties or through retirement, they must be immediately removed from the Room.

If this leaves the Customer Member with no active membership of any Room used by the Organisation the CNC should consider removing the Member from the Organisation. SW05520.

It is recommended that the CNCs have a robust process in place to monitor and manage their members so that changes are acted upon promptly. Prompt notification and removal of Customer Members is not only good house-keeping practice but also

  • prevents Customer Members from accessing information that they are no longer authorised to view
  • reduces CNCs time when making room membership checks
  • where the Customer Member is de-enrolled, releases their licence for new members.

Note: Where, exceptionally, a CNC for the Room is not available or there are no CNCs for the organisation in a Room, an HMRC Business Authorising Officer (BAO) for the Room has the authority and ability to remove a Customer Member on the authenticated instruction of the Customer Organisation.