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SW06150 - Create a Room: Create a Customer Room

Any HMRC member of staff with access to Shared Workspace can request to create a Room. The member creating the Room will need to identify if it is going to be used with Customers. If this is the case, the Room must be created as a Customer Room.


Under no circumstances must a Room be created where the HMRC information exceeds a Official-Sensitive marking SW03150.


  • If a room is created as an HMRC Only Room SW06140, it will not be possible to add a Customer Organisation to that Room.
  • To help HMRC members distinguish between HMRC Only and Customer Rooms, the HMRC view of the Room will contain the words ‘Customer Room’ in the banner, and the banner will be in green, see below. (HMRC Only Rooms will have a blue banner.)

If a Room is to be created as a Customer Room then a Customer Organisation must be selected or entered during the creation process.

Guidance on how to add and manage Customer Organisations is given from SW09200 to SW09260.

The member requesting the Room will have to search the Shared Workspace site to ensure that no existing Room meets the same purpose. If none is found the member requesting the Room needs to:

  • Enter the new Room details
  • Room name
  • Room purpose
  • Room type (HMRC-Only or HMRC/Customer)
  • Business Unit
  • Approximate eventual number of members
  • Sensitivity flag
  • Choose the appropriate Template Room
  • Nominate two HMRC Business Authorising Officers (BAOs) for the room SW05220.

When the Room is approved by the SW Live Service Support Team the system will create the Room.

The SW Live Service Support Team will create the mandatory custom roles for the Room and Room invitations will be sent to the first two HMRC BAOs. The two HMRC BAOs who are nominated must complete the HMRC BAO Learning package before taking up any BAO duties in the room.

If the new Room request is rejected the requestor will receive an email stating why.