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SW07270 - Item Types: Polls

A poll is a Shared Workspace item that can be created for taking a vote, where you pose the question and supply the possible responses. As people vote the results are automatically listed and displayed.

Many polls will be open and members will be happy to reveal their vote to all participants. But other polls will be conducted in confidence.

A poll can be configured to

  • show all votes
  • hide all votes
  • allow only certain members to see how people have voted.


The HMRC Business Authorising Officers will always be able to see how people have voted.

When creating a Poll you should make it clear who will be able to see the final result and most importantly who will be able to see how each member has voted. You should set answer options to your questions that will enable all participants to answer the questions. This can often mean simply adding a ‘Don’t Know’ option to a Yes/No question.This will help encourage more people to take part and minimise the risk of distortedresults.