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SW09115 - Customer Engagement: Marketing Material

In most cases Business Units will need to meet with Customer Organisations at a very early stage. Marketing Material is available on the Shared Workspace site to help Business Units with this initial stage of the engagement. The following generic information about Shared Workspace is available on the intranet

  • a PowerPoint presentation
  • speaking notes
  • handouts

Business Units may want to include information that is specific to their business in their presentation and for this purpose a blank template has been provided on the Shared Workspace site where they can design further slides if they wish.

Additional material can be requested from the Shared Workspace Team in the form of

  • an audio CD PowerPoint Presentation
  • leaflets
  • posters.

If Business Units intend to

  • engage with Customer Organisations that have a large membership or are geographically dispersed
  • publish material for readership by Customer Organisations

they should seek the advice of Communications and Marketing (CaM)

Note: CaM are responsible for giving support in the larger HMRC publicity campaigns and give guidance in the design of customer material.