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SVM103010 - Correspondence and Customer Service: Acknowledgement of Correspondence

Both HMRC in general, and SAV in particular, have targets for dealing with correspondence. SAV’s performance targets include targets for dealing with correspondence within 15 and 40 working days. Where it is not possible to reply within 15 working days, we should acknowledge the letter and say when we expect to be able to give a full reply.

In view of our service commitments, valuers need to manage their work and keep their workbooks up to date in such a way that they can identify cases likely to have correspondence unanswered after 15/40 working days. Letters of explanation as to why it will take longer than 15 working days to reply should then be sent when appropriate.

If a file with unanswered correspondence is to be sent elsewhere, for example to your manager or a specialist team, you should take care that a holding letter is sent first if it is possible the 15 day deadline will pass before the file returns.

Additional Guidance: SVM150000