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SIOG1690 - Introduction and organisation: recording information: telephone issues

Digital mobile phones and most landline phones are secure however you should be discreet when making/taking calls in public.

Because some people attempt to obtain information to which they are not entitled, you must always be sure of the identity of the person to whom you are speaking. If you are in any doubt, do not speak about confidential matters - arrange to speak again over an identifiable, secure line or deal with the matter in another way (for example, by letter or at a meeting).

Remember that some outside firms and individuals tape telephone conversations. Be discreet.

It is sometimes beneficial to use mobile phones for texting in relation to work issues. You should be aware of the appropriate Data Security guidelines and take care to ensure you send your text to the intended recipient. When texting outside of your office, be careful that those around you cannot read what you are texting or receiving.