SPM210000 - Record Keeping - contents
SPM210100SSP - employer’s basic records
SPM210200SSP - wage records
SPM210300SSP - voluntary records
SPM210400SSP - end of year returns
SPM210500SMP/SAP/SPP/SPBP - employer’s record sheet
SPM210600SMP/SAP/SPP - form P11 deductions working sheet
SPM210700SMP/SAP/SPP - form P14 end of year summary
SPM210800SMP/SAP/SPP - form P35 end of year declaration and certificate
SPM210900SMP/SAP/SPP - payslip booklet and form P32
SPM211000SMP/SAP/SPP/SPBP - form SP32 late recovery of statutory payments or NIC compensation