SPM210200 - Record Keeping - SSP: wage records
Deduction Working Sheets (DWS) - P11s or substitute must show:
- the employee’s name
- the employee’s NI number
- the appropriate NIC table letter, and
- for each payment of earnings:
- the date of payment
- any occupational pension contributions and allowable charitable gifts which are deducted from pay for tax purposes
- the pay for tax purposes (gross pay including statutory payments) after the deduction of
- the amount of statutory payments included in the gross pay
- the earnings (in whole pounds) on which primary contributions are payable
- the combined total of the employee’s and employer’s NICs payable
- the total of the employee’s NICs payable
- the earnings (in whole pounds) on which employee (primary) contracted-out element of contributions are payable, and
- the employee (primary) contracted-out element of the contribution.