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TCM0046120 - Changes: payments: foreign bank account closure


A customer or their appointee will request you to stop paying tax credits into their foreign bank account either

  • in writing
  • by phone.

The query must be passed to the Bank Liaison team for them to take their action. You must set an action date for two weeks and await their reply. Once Bank Liaison has completed their action they will notify you and instruct you to process the request as a change of circumstances.

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To deal with a request to stop paying tax credits into a customer’s, or their appointee’s, foreign bank account, consider steps 1 to 6.

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Step 1

Before making any changes to the claim, you must follow the guidance in TCM0042260. This is to confirm if the changes can be made.

If the changes can be made has the change been made by phone or in writing?

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Step 2

Authenticate the customer or appointee. Follow the guidance in TCM0094120.

  • If you are unable to authenticate the customer, tell the caller to submit their request in writing and take no further action.
  • If you are able to authenticate the customer, go to Step 3.

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Step 3

Complete form TC687

  • attach any relevant correspondence
  • send to the Bank Liaison team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
    or, if a Northern Ireland case
  • send to Bank Liaison team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

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Step 4


  • select the ‘Verification Failures’ Work List from the drop down list for the Worklist Type field and go to the ‘Worklist Entry Details’ screen
  • on this screen set an action date for two weeks, making sure that the Retained checkbox is ticked
  • await the return of form TC687 from Bank Liaison.
    • If the BF date expires and you have not received a reply, go to Step 5.
    • If you receive a reply from Bank Liaison before the BF date expires, go to Step 6.

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Step 5

If you haven’t received a reply from Bank Liaison and the BF period expires, contact Bank Liaison and determine what further action you need to take. If Bank Liaison need you take some action

  • wait until you receive form TC687, then go to Step 6
  • set another action date for two weeks, making sure that the Retained checkbox is ticked, and await the return of form TC687.

Note: You can’t do anything until you receive the form from Bank Liaison. You must continue to BF the case until you receive notification of the required action to take.

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Step 6

Note: The reply from Bank Liaison will inform you that the customer no longer wishes to have their tax credits paid into their foreign bank account. It will request that you make enquiries with the customer to pay tax credits into an alternative account.

Contact the customer or appointee to obtain new bank account details. Follow the guidance in TCM0094120

  • enter the new bank account details on the computer. Follow the guidance in TCM0046020.