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TCM0054120 - Changes - work lists: Unprocessed Change of Circumstances helpcard

Applicant address change
Applicant date type - 50+
Applicant date type - AA / DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)
Applicant date type - Disability
Applicant date type - Employment
Applicant date type - Hours worked
Applicant date type - Incapacitated for childcare purposes
Applicant date type - Income Support
Applicant date type - Jobseeker’s Allowance
Applicant date type - Minimum Income Guarantee
Applicant date type - Place of work
Applicant date type - Residency change
Applicant date type - Self-employment
Applicant date of birth change
Applicant death change
Applicant name change
Applicant phone change
Applicant sex change
Cease paid employment
Cease self-employed work
Ceased work and moving onto benefits
Change childcare provider costs
Change childcare provider name or address
Child Benefit reference number
Child change name details
Child date type - Connexions, local authority support services
Child date type - Disability
Child date type - DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)
Child date type - Full-time non-advanced education
Child date type - In childcare
Child date type - Responsibility
Child date of birth change
Child death
Household end
Moving off benefits into work
New child
New childcare provider
New main paid employer
New payment details
Output method change
Payment nomination
Self-employed UTR
Special needs change
Start work (new self-employment)

Applicant address change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
35 Mandatory New Address Line 1 -
35 Mandatory New Address Line 2 -
35 Optional New Address Line 3 -
35 Optional New Address Line 4 -
35 Optional New Address Line 5 -
8 Mandatory New Post Code -
35 Mandatory Existing Address Line 1 -
8 Mandatory Existing Post Code -

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Applicant date type - 50+

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated more than 7 days and cannot be on or after 06/04/12
8 Optional End Date From 6 April 2012, the 50+ element will no longer exist. All entitlement to 50+ element will end on 05/04/12

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Applicant date type - AA / DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date cannot be prior to supplied start date

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Applicant date type - Disability

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date cannot be prior to supplied start date

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Applicant date type - Employment

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated more than seven days
8 Mandatory End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date can’t be prior to supplied start date

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Applicant date type - Hours worked

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start date Cannot be future-dated more than seven days and only where this forms part of a valid gap in employment or benefits to employment
8 Mandatory End Date End date cannot be prior to supplied start date Cannot be future-dated
2 Mandatory Total Hours Worked Must be one or two numeric characters

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Applicant date type - Incapacitated for childcare purposes

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End Date can’t be prior to associated supplied Start Date

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Applicant date type - Income Support

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date can’t be prior to supplied start date

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Applicant date type - Jobseeker’s Allowance

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date. Note: From 27/10/2008 this could relate to JSA or ESA. Refer to the Access to DWP Data (ADD) System manual to confirm the details, if required Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date. Note: From 27/10/2008 this could relate to JSA or ESA. Refer to the ADD manual to confirm the details, if required Cannot be future-dated. End date can’t be prior to supplied start date

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Applicant date type - Minimum Income Guarantee

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date can’t be prior to supplied start date

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Applicant date type - Place of work

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Date of Change Cannot be future-dated
1 Mandatory Place Of Work UK Must be ‘Y’ or ‘N’
35 Country Of Work Mandatory if place of work set to ‘N’. Must be at least two characters long and contain A-Z and spaces

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Applicant date type - Residency change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Date of Change -
1 Mandatory UK National Indicator ‘Y’ or ‘N’
35 Mandatory Normally Live - Country Must be at least two characters long and contain A-Z and spaces. Such as ‘UK’ or other country

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Applicant date type - Self-employment

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Mandatory End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date cannot be prior to supplied start date

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Applicant date of birth change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Date Of Birth Cannot be left blank

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Applicant death change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Date of Death Cannot be future-dated

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Applicant name change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
35 Mandatory Surname - New -
35 Mandatory First Name - New -
35 Optional Other Forenames -New -
35 Mandatory Title (Other Title) Must be at least one character long and consist of up to 35 characters from the group A-Z, a-z, apostrophe and space only

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Applicant phone change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
20 Optional Daytime Phone No. If provided must consist of the characters 0-9, / and space only
20 Optional Evening Phone No. If provided must consist of the characters 0-9, / and space only

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Applicant sex change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
1 Mandatory Sex - New If provided must be either male or female (M / F)

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Cease paid employment

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Employment Start Date -
8 Mandatory Employment End Date -
2 Mandatory Number of Paid Jobs Where no longer working, the number of jobs must be removed
2 Mandatory Total Hours Worked Must be 1 or 2 numeric characters
8 Mandatory Hours Worked Start Date -
8 Mandatory Hours Worked End Date -

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Cease self-employed work

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Mandatory Self Employed Start Date -
8 Mandatory Self Employed End Date -
2 Mandatory Number of Paid Jobs Where no longer working, the number of jobs must be removed
2 Mandatory Total Hours Worked Must be 1 or 2 numeric characters
8 Mandatory Hours Worked Start Date -
8 Mandatory Hours Worked End Date Cannot be future-dated

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Ceased work and moving onto benefits

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
8 Optional IS Start Date Only one of these 3 benefit start dates should be present. Cannot be dated in the future
8 Optional JSA Start Date Only one of these 3 benefit start dates should be present. Cannot be dated in the future
8 Optional MIG Start Date Only one of these 3 benefit start dates should be present. Cannot be dated in the future
8 Optional Employment Start Date Must have at least one pair of these employment dates. End date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional Employment End Date End date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional Self Employment Start Date Must have at least one pair of these employment dates. End date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional Self Employment End Date End date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated
8 Mandatory Hours Worked Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Mandatory Hours Worked End Date End date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated
2 Mandatory Number of Paid Jobs Where no longer working, the number of jobs must be removed
2 Mandatory Total Hours Worked Must be 1 or 2 numeric characters

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Change childcare provider costs

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Childcare Provider Name line 1 -
35 Optional Childcare Provider Name line 2 -
13 Mandatory Weekly Childcare Costs Must be greater than or equal to ‘0’, expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
1 Mandatory Currency Indicator Must be ‘G’ or ‘E’ (G = Great British Pounds, E = Euro)
8 Mandatory Costs Start Date Cannot be dated more than 8 days in the future
8 Optional Costs End Date End date cannot be prior to Start date. Date cannot be more than 29 days in the future

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Change childcare provider name or address

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Childcare Provider Name line 1 - Existing -
35 Optional Childcare Provider Name Line 2 - Existing -
35 Mandatory Childcare Provider Name Line 1 - New -
35 Mandatory Childcare Provider Name line 2 - New -
35 Mandatory Childcare Address Line 1 -
35 Mandatory Childcare Address Line 2 -
35 Optional Childcare Address Line 3 -
35 Optional Childcare Address Line 4 -
35 Optional Childcare Address Line 5 -
8 Mandatory Postcode -
70 Optional Approving Body Name -
25 Optional Registration Reference -

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Child Benefit Reference number

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO

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Child change name details

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forenames - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date Of Birth - Existing -
35 Mandatory Surname - New -
35 Mandatory Forenames - New -

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Child date type - Connexions, local authority support services

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date cannot be prior to supplied start date

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Child date type - Disability

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date can’t be prior to supplied start date

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Child date type - DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date cannot be prior to supplied start date

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Child date type - Full-time non-advanced education

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be more than 138 days prior to 1 September
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date cannot be prior to supplied start date

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Child date type - In childcare

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date Cannot be future-dated. End date cannot be prior to supplied start date

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Child date type - Responsibility

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional End Date End date cannot be prior to supplied start date Cannot be future-dated

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Child date of birth change

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - New -

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Child death

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname - Existing -
35 Mandatory Forename - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth - Existing -
8 Mandatory Date of Death Cannot be future-dated

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Household end

Number of characters Data item Notes
8 Mandatory Household End Date Cannot be future-dated
1 Mandatory Household End Reason ‘H’ for Household Breakdown

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Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
2 Mandatory Income Year / Type PY (Last Year) or CY (This Year)
13 Optional Self Employed Profits If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’ expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
1 Self Employed Profits (Self) status Mandatory where self Employed Profits are recorded. Actual (A) or Estimate (E)
13 Optional Earnings If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’ expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
1 Earnings (Earn) Status Mandatory where Earnings are recorded. Actual (A), Estimate (E) or Real Time Information (R)
13 Optional Benefits in Kind If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’ expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
1 Benefits in Kind (Empo) Status Mandatory where Benefits in Kind are recorded. Actual (A), Estimate (E) or Real Time Information (R)
13 Social Security Benefits If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’ expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
1 Social Security Benefits (Ben) Status Mandatory where Social Security Benefits are recorded. Actual (A), Estimate (E) or Real Time Information (R)
13 Other Income If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’ expressed in pence (or cents if Euro). 1 for each claim, stored on applicant 1
1 - Mandatory where Other Income is recorded. Actual (A), Estimate (E) or Real Time Information (R)
1 Mandatory Currency Indicator Must be ‘G’ or ‘E’ (G = Great British Pounds, E = Euro)

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Moving off benefits into work

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
2 Optional Number of Paid Jobs Must be greater than zero if any of Employer Reference (3 char. District No.) or Employer Name and Address have been completed
2 Mandatory Total Hours Worked Must be 1 or 2 numeric characters
8 Mandatory Hours Worked Start Date Cannot be future-dated more than 7 days
8 Mandatory Employment Start Date Cannot be future-dated more than 7 days
3 Optional Employer District Number If provided must be present where ’10 Char Emp. Ref.’ completed
10 Optional Employer Reference If provided must be present where ’3 Char Dist. No.’ completed
20 Optional Payroll Number -
28 Mandatory Employer Name 1 -
28 Optional Employer Name 2 -
35 Mandatory Employer Address line 1 -
35 Mandatory Employer Address line 2 -
35 Optional Employer Address line 3 -
35 Optional Employer Address line 4 -
35 Optional Employer Address line 5 -
8 Mandatory Address Postcode -
20 Optional Employer Telephone Number If provided must consist of the characters 0-9, / and space only
2 Income Year / Type Optional, except where at least one of the figures below are submitted. PY Last Year) -CY (This year)
13 Optional Self Employed Profits If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’, expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
13 Optional Earnings If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’, expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
13 Optional Benefits in Kind If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’, expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
13 Optional Social Security Benefits If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’, expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
13 Optional Other Income If provided must be greater than or equal to ‘0’, expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
8 Optional IS Start Date Cannot be future-dated. Must only have one pair of start and end dates for IS, JSA/ESA or PC/MIG
8 Optional IS End Date End Date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated more than seven days. Must only have one pair of start and end dates for IS, JSA/ESA or PC/MIG
8 Optional JSA Start Date. Note: From 27/10/2008 this could relate to JSA or ESA. Refer to the ADD manual to confirm the details, if required Cannot be future-dated. Must only have one pair of start and end dates for IS, JSA/ESA or PC/MIG
8 Optional JSA End Date. Note: From 27/10/2008 this could relate to JSA or ESA. Refer to the ADD manual to confirm the details, if required End Date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated more than seven days. Must only have one pair of start and end dates for IS, JSA/ESA or PC/MIG
8 Optional MIG Start Date Cannot be future-dated. Must only have one pair of start and end dates for IS, JSA/ESA or PC/MIG
8 Optional MIG End Date End Date cannot be prior to supplied Start Date. Cannot be future-dated more than 7 days. Must only have one pair of start and end dates for IS, JSA/ESA or PC/MIG
1 Mandatory Currency Indicator ‘G’ or ‘E’ (G = Great British Pounds, E = Euro)

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New child

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Surname -
35 Mandatory Forename -
8 Mandatory Date of Birth -
8 Optional Responsibility Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional In Childcare Start Date Cannot be dated more than eight days in the future
8 Optional Full Time non advanced Start Date Cannot be dated more than 138 days prior to 1 September
8 Optional Connexions, local authority support services Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional Disability Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Optional DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) Start Date Cannot be future-dated

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New childcare provider

Number of characters Data item Notes
35 Mandatory Child Care Provider Name line 1 -
35 Mandatory Child Care Provider Name line 2 -
35 Mandatory Childcare Address line 1 -
35 Mandatory Childcare Address line 2 -
35 Optional Childcare Address line 3 -
35 Optional Childcare Address line 4 -
35 Optional Childcare Address line 5 -
8 Mandatory Postcode -
70 Optional Approving Body Name -
25 Optional Registration Reference -
13 Mandatory Weekly Childcare Costs Must be greater than or equal to ‘0’, expressed in pence (or cents if Euro)
1 Mandatory Currency Indicator Must be ‘G’ or ‘E’ (G = Great British Pounds, E = Euro)
8 Mandatory Costs Start Date Cannot be dated more than 8 days in the future

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New main paid employer

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
2 Mandatory Number of Paid Jobs Must be greater than zero if any of Employer Reference (3 character District no.) or Employer Name and address have been completed
2 Mandatory Total Hours Worked Must be 1 or 2 numeric characters
8 Mandatory Hours Worked Start Date Cannot be future-dated more than seven days, and only when this forms part of a valid gap in employment or benefits to employment
8 Mandatory Employment Start Date Cannot be future-dated more than seven days, and only when this forms part of a valid gap in employment or benefits to employment
3 Optional Employer District Number If provided must be present where ‘10 char Emp. Ref.’ completed
10 Optional Employer Reference If provided must be present where ‘3 char Dist. No.’ completed
20 Optional Payroll Number -
28 Mandatory Employer Name 1 -
28 Optional Employer Name 2 -
35 Mandatory Employer Address line 1 -
35 Mandatory Employer Address line 2 -
35 Optional Employer Address line 3 -
35 Optional Employer Address line 4 -
35 Optional Employer Address line 5 -
8 Mandatory Address Postcode -
20 Optional Employer Telephone Number If provided must consist of the characters 0-9, / and space only

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New payment details

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
10 Mandatory Account Number Must contain numeric characters only
6 Mandatory Sort Code Must be 6 numeric characters. Must be valid sort code for BACS transfers. If valid sort code for BACS transfers, must be valid bank account number for this bank / building society
35 Mandatory Account Name -
18 Optional Building Society Reference -
35 Mandatory Bank / Build Society Name -
35 Mandatory Branch Name -
35 Mandatory Branch Address line 1 -
35 Mandatory Branch Address line 2 -
35 Optional Branch Address line 3 -
35 Optional Branch Address line 4 -
35 Optional Branch Address line 5 -
8 Optional Postcode -
8 Mandatory New Details Start Date Must be today’s date or later - up to 30 days in the future

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Output method change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or Applicant 2 NINO
1 Mandatory E - Output Signal Y or N

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Payment nomination

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
1 Mandatory Nomination for CTC Y or N
1 Mandatory Nomination for WTC Y or N
1 Mandatory if CTC Payment Frequency for CTC Optional except for where ‘Nomination for CTC’ is submitted. Values: Weekly = 1, Four-weekly = 4
1 Mandatory if WTC Payment Frequency for WTC Optional except for where ‘Nomination for WTC’ is submitted. Values: Weekly = 1, Four-weekly = 4

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Self-employed UTR

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
10 Mandatory Self Employed UTR Must be 10 numeric characters

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Special needs change

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
1 Mandatory Special Needs Signal Welsh (W), Braille (B), Audio (A), Large Print (L)

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Start work (new self-employment)

Number of characters Data item Notes
9 Mandatory Applicant NINO Applicant 1 or 2 NINO
2 Optional Number of Paid Jobs Must be greater than zero if a self-employed UTR number has been entered
2 Mandatory Total Hours Worked Must be 1 or 2 numeric characters
8 Mandatory Hours Worked Start Date Cannot be future-dated
8 Mandatory Self Employed Start Date Cannot be future-dated
10 Optional Self Employed UTR If provided must be 10 digits