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TCM0062020 - Claims: capture (A-C): capture application (Introduction)

This section provides guidance on the process of logging receipt of a tax credits claim form (TC600) and capturing the details provided on the computer up to the point at which the claim is sent for processing.

The normal process will be to log and capture a claim at the same time. However, at peak times you can log the receipt of a claim form only and capture the details from it at a later date.

You can store partially captured claim forms, where for example there is information missing or you need to clarify information provided by the customer. These cases will be entered on the Incomplete Applications work list.

You can reject the claim if the customer

  • Does not provide the information you need to complete the capture after a reasonable period


  • is clearly not eligible.

The claim can be withdrawn where you find that the claim has been captured in error.

Whilst you are capturing a claim you may need to note information or actions taken in respect of the claim or the customer onto the computer. The Application Notes field in Function CAPTURE APPLICATION is available for this purpose although, the amount of space provided is limited. To make the best possible use of the space available it is important that you use standard phrasing and abbreviations when you make entries in the Application Notes field.

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

Once you are satisfied that the claim is complete you submit it for processing.