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TCM0062100 - Claims: capture (A-C): bank account details missing


If bank details are missing you must tell the customer that they must provide account details in the event that, if their claim is awarded, they can be paid tax credits.

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If you receive a claim, which does not have bank account details, consider steps 1 to 13.

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Step 1

Use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Applicant screen to check if a contact phone number is available.

  • If there is a phone number, go to Step 2.
  • If there is no phone number, go to Step 6.

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Step 2

Phone the customer for the information that you need. Follow the guidance in TCM0094080.

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Step 3

Tell the customer that you need details of an account into which tax credits can be paid. If necessary explain that both CTC and WTC is to be paid directly to customers.

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Step 4

Ask the customer whether they have an existing account that they can use. If they don’t, explain that they have three options. They can get a

  • bank or building society current account
  • basic bank account
  • Post Office card account.

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Step 5


  • you are able to obtain account details over the telephone
    • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Summary Information screen. Record the details of the telephone call and information obtained, in the Application Notes field, go to Step 13.
  • the customer doesn’t have a bank account but is willing to get one, go to Step 7.
  • the customer is interested in having a Post Office card account, go to Step 8.
  • the customer refuses to get any kind of account or considers that they are an exception, go to Step 8.

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Step 6

If there is no telephone number available

  • write to the customer requesting the missing information using the questions below on form TC609
  • ask them if they have a bank account
    • If they have a bank account
      • ask for the bank account details
    • If they don’t have a bank account
      • explain to the customer that they will need to provide bank or building society account details if they are eligible for tax credits, so that payments can be made
  • go to Step 7.

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Step 7

Use Function MAINTAIN WORKLIST and set an action date for 28 days in the future on the Worklist Entry details screen. Make sure that you tick the Retained check box after entering the Action Date. Enter the following message in the Application Notes field

‘TCMZ Awaiting bank account details’

  • If the missing information is supplied by the action date, go to Step 5.
  • If the customer contacts you by the action date requesting further time to obtain bank account details, go to Step 12.
  • If the missing information isn’t supplied by the action date, go to Step 8.

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Step 8

If the customer

  • thinks that their circumstances are exceptional
  • has no intention of obtaining account details
  • has provided details that are invalid
    • use Technical Support System (TSS) and enter all available details from the following onto List A for each nominated tax credit recipient with no account details
      • NINO
      • surname
      • first name
      • date of birth
      • post code
      • daytime and evening phone numbers

Note: If you make an error, you can either delete, retype or select [Rest]. If account details have been deleted you must also check the Invalid Details checkbox on List A before you select [Submit].

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Step 9

When you are happy that you have entered all available details correctly

  • select [Submit]
  • minimise TSS
  • continue to process the claim.

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Step 10

If the customer

  • is interested in opening a Post Office card account, use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Summary Information screen. On this screen enter the following message in the Application Notes field
    ‘TCMZ Interested in card account’
  • refuses to get any kind of account or doesn’t supply details by the extended action date, enter the following message in the Application Notes field
    ‘TCMZ Account details not provided’
  • feels that their circumstances are exceptional, enter the following message in the Application Notes field
    ‘TCMZ Possible exception’
    Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

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Step 11

Once Application Notes have been updated

  • select [OK] on the Summary Information screen to send the claim for processing.

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Step 12

Phone the customer and determine why account details haven’t yet been provided.

  • If more time is needed to obtain the details, use Function MAINTAIN WORKLIST and set an action date for a further 14 days in the future on the Worklist Entry details screen
    • select the Retained checkbox after entering the Action date
    • enter a message in the Application Notes field
      ‘TCMZ Ap trying to obtain account details’
  • If the customer no longer intends to provide account details, go to Step 8.
  • If the customer is now interested in a Post Office card account, go to Step 10.
  • If the missing information is not supplied by the extended action date, go to Step 8.
  • If the information is provided, go to Step 5.

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Step 13

Enter the account details on the relevant screens

  • leave the signature box as it was set during capture
  • select [OK] on the Summary Information screen to send the claim for processing.