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TCM0064120 - Claims: capture (D-K): foreign bank account request (AG)

To deal with a request for a foreign bank account, consider steps 1 to 9.

You will have identified that the claim on the Incomplete Applications work list is a claim with no bank account details and the customer is resident abroad.

Step 1

Before you continue with this guidance, follow the guidance in TCM0138020

then, if you can continue

  • phone the customer for the missing account details. If you can’t phone the customer, you must send a written enquiry. Follow the guidance in TCM0094080
  • If UK bank account details have been given, go to Step 2.
  • If foreign bank account details have been given, ask the customer whether they have a UK-based bank that can be used
  • If they have a UK bank account, go to Step 2.
  • If they only have a foreign bank account, go to Step 3.
  • If the customer doesn’t have a bank account and they are willing to open one, tell them to open a UK bank account or if a UK-based account can’t be opened, ask them to open a foreign bank account held in a TAPS-compliant country, go to Step 4.
  • If the customer doesn’t have a bank account and they aren’t willing to open one, go to Step 5.
  • If the customer needs to phone you back, give them the Customs and Revenue Contact Centre International Telephone number for them to contact.

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Step 2


  • enter the details of the bank or building society account into the bank or building society details screen
  • update Application Notes with the action that you have taken
  • continue to process the claim.

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

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Step 3

Is the country in which the account is based TIDS or TAPS compliant?

  • yes, country is TIDS or TAPS compliant, go to Step 6.
  • no, country isn’t TIDS or TAPS compliant, go to Step 7.

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Step 4


  • set an action date for two weeks to await the bank account details. Follow the guidance in TCM0140160

Note: Make sure the Retained checkbox is completed when setting the action date.


  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION to update Application Notes with the action you have taken.

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Step 5

Tell the customer that they must provide you with bank or building society details in order to receive payment

  • set an action date for two weeks, making sure the Retained checkbox is completed. Follow the guidance in TCM0094160

Note: The manual reminder cycle will start if you haven’t received a reply within this time.

  • If you don’t receive a reply by the time the reminder cycle expires
  • reject the claim. Follow the guidance in TCM0070040.

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Step 6

Fax form TC687 to the Bank Liaison Team(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

  • update the Incomplete Applications work list with an action date of two weeks, making sure the Retained checkbox is completed
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION to update Applications Notes with the action you have taken

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

  • when a reply is received from Bank Liaison team, go to Step 8.

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Step 7

Phone the customer and ask them to provide UK bank or building society account details or foreign bank account details based in a TIDS or TAPS compliant country.

If you can’t phone the customer, send a written enquiry. Follow the guidance in TCM0094080.

  • If the customer needs to contact you with the details or you have sent a written enquiry
  • set an action date for two weeks on the Incomplete Applications work list, making sure the Retained checkbox is completed
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION to update Application Notes of the action that you have taken

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

  • If the customer tells you that they aren’t willing to open an account, go to Step 9.

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Step 8

Select Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and navigate to the payment screen

  • enter the details of the bank account and the information that Bank Liaison has given you. Enter the
  • sponsor bank account number
  • sponsor bank sort code
  • customer’s NINO in the Building society reference field as the customer’s unique reference number
  • continue to process the claim.

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Step 9

Further instructions will follow.