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TCM0064240 - Claims: capture (D-K): Intelligent Manual Capture - information capture and processing (Info)

There are two Action Guides for this subject, select ‘Next Page’ to access them

For these tasks you will need to have access to the system containing Child Benefit information and Access to DWP Data computer systems.

This guidance tells you how to manually capture a tax credits claim and prevent entries being created on the Incomplete Applications work list or the Verification Failures work list.

The process is divided into two stages

  • information capture. This follows the format of the claim form and gives you comprehensive instructions on how to capture information to try to prevent entries being created on the Incomplete Applications work list and/or the Verification Failures work list. TCM0064180 should be used at this stage as a quick reference alongside the Intelligent manual capture checklist (Excel 28KB) that is used to note down any information required from the customer
  • information processing. This explains the process options once you have reached the Summary Information screen and noted any information you require from the customer.

There could be information missing that you will need to contact the customer to obtain.

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The claim form

It’s essential that the information provided by the customer as notes on the claim form is recorded in the Application Notes field and on either form TC648 or the Intelligent manual capture checklist.

A claim can be accepted in any colour of ink.

If the customer uses correction fluid to make changes to the claim form, the information written over the correction fluid can be accepted.

The ethnic group information on the back of the claim form doesn’t form part of the Intelligent Manual Capture process.

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Making choices

Some parts of the claim form require the customer to make a choice or tick one of a number of choices. Where a choice is applicable and it isn’t clear which option the customer is choosing, you must contact the customer to find out which is the preferred option.

Use this guidance in conjunction with TCM0064180 to help you complete each field on the tax credits computer. Use the Intelligent manual capture checklist to record any information required from the customer. If you are capturing a new claim, check for a TC600A attachment.

The customer will complete a form TC600A when their claim includes

  • more than two children
  • more than one childcare provider.

You must capture the details on any attached form TC600A.

You must check that the form TC600A is the correct one for the claim you are capturing as it may have been submitted with or attached to the wrong TC600 claim form. To do this

  • compare the barcode numbers printed at the bottom of the forms TC600 and TC600A. If they are the same, continue to capture the details
  • check both forms include the customer’s personal details. If these are the same, continue to capture the details

If there is any doubt whether the form TC600A is related to the TC600 claim form or the customer hasn’t filled in part 1 of the personal details you must contact the customer to make sure the details included on the form TC600A need to be included in the claim.