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TCM0064280 - Claims: capture (D-K): Intelligent Manual Capture - information processing (AG)

To deal with processing the information when capturing an intelligent manual capture claim, consider steps 1 to 14.

Note: You must use this guidance in conjunction with TCM0064260 and the Intelligent Manual Capture checklist you have just completed detailing the information you need to obtain from the customer.

Step 1


  • you have all the information necessary to process the claim, go to Step 9.
  • you don’t have all the information necessary to process the claim, go to Step 2.

Step 2

Use the phone number provided on the claim form to contact the customer for the missing information.

Note: If a phone number hasn’t been provided on the claim form you can obtain it from the Access to DWP Data (ADD) system or Directory Enquiries. Check the claim form, Intelligent manual capture checklist and any form TC648 to determine what information you need from the customer.

  • If the phone number is incorrect
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Applicant screen to delete the phone number
  • go to Step 7.
  • If, on the first attempt, you are unable to contact the customer by phone
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Summary Information screen to record the missing information in the Application Notes field to assist with any Helpline queries

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

  • If you are able to contact the customer by phone but can’t obtain any or all of the missing information
  • tell the customer to contact the Tax Credits Helpline with the missing information within 14 days
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Summary Information screen to record the details of the telephone call and the missing information in the Application Notes field

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

  • If you are able to contact the customer by phone and obtain all the missing information, go to Step 3.

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Step 3

Use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION, selecting the Capture Current option

  • go to the relevant screens and capture the missing information in the relevant fields
  • complete the Intelligent manual capture checklist with the details of all the information you have obtained or deleted
  • If you have captured all the missing information and the claim is complete, go to Step 9.
  • If you have captured all the missing information but there is a potential match, go to Step 4.

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Step 4

Go to the relevant screen where the potential match occurred. Contact the customer for the information and follow the guidance in TCM0322010 to resolve the potential match

  • If you feel you have enough information to accept the potential match
  • select [OK]
  • pass any screen prints of the information you obtained from ADD and any information provided by the customer to your manager for checking
  • your manager must follow the guidance in TCM0076160
  • your manager will accept the potential match and return the case to you
  • go to Step 5.
  • If you are still not satisfied with the potential match
  • leave the customer unmatched
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 5

Go to the Summary Information screen. Are there any errors shown in the Repair Summary field?

Note: The Repair Summary field will provide details of the first error on each screen but there could be more than one error on a screen. You must therefore check all of the fields on all of the screens where an error has been shown to identify what information is missing.

Note: You must repair all the errors shown in this field.

Note: If the only errors shown are missing childcare details and, from the information on the claim form, you established that the customer will not be eligible for the Childcare element (use TCM0112100), the childcare details can be deleted from the tax credits computer and a note explaining this entered in the Application Notes field.

  • no, there are no errors shown, go to Step 9.
  • yes, there are errors shown
  • If you can resolve the errors without contacting the customer, go to Step 9.
  • If you can’t resolve the errors without contacting the customer, go to Step 6.

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Step 6

Phone the customer to obtain the missing information to process the claim, following your earlier first attempt or to obtain the information necessary to resolve the potential match.

Note: If you are unable to contact the customer to obtain the information you need to resolve the potential match at the first attempt, try a second time later.

  • If you are able to contact the customer by phone and obtain all the information you require
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION, selecting the Capture Current option and go to the relevant screens to capture the information you required
  • complete the Intelligent manual capture checklist with the details of all the information you have obtained or deleted


  • Is there a potential match?
  • If there is a potential match, go back to Step 4.
  • If there isn’t a potential match, go to Step 9.
  • If you are able to contact the customer by phone, but can’t obtain any or all of the information you require
  • tell the customer to contact the Tax Credits Helpline with the information you require within 14 days
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Summary Information screen to record the details of the phone call and the information you require in the Application Notes field

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.


  • If you are unable to contact the customer by phone on the second attempt, go to Step 7.

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Step 7

Send form TC609 (using option 2) or form TC664 with copies of the TC600 claim form pages where there is missing information to the customer

Note: When writing to the customer, ask for a valid phone number if one hasn’t already been provided.

  • where applicable, mark the pages on the TC600 claim form that the customer needs to complete
  • use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION and go to the Summary Information screen to record the action you have taken and the information you require in the Application Notes field

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.

  • select [OK]
  • If the following message displays

‘Application will be processed. Do you wish to proceed?’

  • select [Store] to save the claim
  • go to Step 9.
  • If the following message displays

‘The information captured is incomplete. This application will be rejected’

  • select [Store] to save the claim
  • go to Step 8.

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Step 8

Transfer the claim to the ‘Incomplete BF’ MU and set an action date. To do this

  • use Function MAINTAIN WORKLIST
  • go to the Incomplete Applications work list MU to find the claim. Use TCM0322460 for the correct MU number
  • when you have found the claim, transfer it to the ‘Incomplete BF’ MU. Use TCM0322460 for the correct MU number
  • go to the ‘Incomplete BF’ MU and find the claim
  • when you have found the claim, set an action date of 14 days from today’s date and select the ‘Retained’ checkbox
  • send the claim form, form TC648 and the Intelligent manual capture checklist to storage. Follow the guidance in TCM0074140


  • has the customer notified you of a change of circumstances?
  • yes, the customer has notified you of a change of circumstances, go to Step 12.
  • no, the customer hasn’t notified you of a change of circumstances, go to Step 13.

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Step 9

Use Function CAPTURE APPLICATION, selecting the Capture Current option and go to the Summary Information screen

  • If you identified and noted down a household end date on a previous claim at step 3 and step 4 of TCM0064260
  • record any information obtained from the customer in the Application Notes field, if you haven’t already done so

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.


  • If you have established there are errors on the Repair Summary field and you haven’t already resolved them, go to Step 11.
  • If you have established there are no errors on the Repair Summary field or you have already resolved the errors shown, go to Step 12.
  • If you need to check the Repair Summary field for errors, go to Step 10.

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Step 10

On the Summary Information screen, check for any errors shown on the Repair Summary field.

Note: The Repair Summary field will provide details of the first error on each screen but there could be more than one error on a screen. You must therefore check all of the fields on all of the screens where an error has been shown to identify what information is missing.

Note: You must repair all the errors shown in this field. If you need to contact the customer to resolve these errors, go back to Step 6.

  • If there are errors shown, go to Step 11.
  • If there are no errors shown
  • select [OK] to process the claim
  • where the following message displays

‘Application will be processed. Do you wish to proceed’

  • select [Process] to send the claim for processing
  • send the claim form, form TC648 and the Intelligent manual capture checklist to storage. Follow the guidance in TCM0074140
  • take no further action.

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Step 11

If there are errors on the Repair Summary field and, when you select [OK],

  • the following message displays

‘The information captured is incomplete. This application will be rejected’

  • select [Store] to save the claim
  • go back to Step 8.
  • the following message displays

‘The information captured indicates that the application may be ineligible. This application may be rejected’

  • select [Cancel]
  • re-check the claim for the missing information
  • capture the missing information
  • select [OK] to process the claim
  • where there is an issue with residency, select [Process]. An entry will be created on the Verification Failures work list

Note: If the only errors shown are missing childcare details and, from the information on the claim form, you established that the customer will not be eligible for the Childcare element (use TCM0112100), the childcare details can be deleted from the tax credits computer and a note explaining this entered in the Application Notes field.


  • has the customer notified you of a change of circumstances?
  • yes, the customer has notified you of a change of circumstances, go to Step 12.
  • no, the customer hasn’t notified you of a change of circumstances, go to Step 13.

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Step 12

If the customer has notified you of a change of circumstances that affects

  • the current year. Examples of current year changes are
  • where you have obtained the customer’s current year income after they have recently started work
  • the start date of a new job is within seven days of the start of the customer’s entitlement to tax credits
  • the childcare charges are due to start within seven days of the start of the customer’s entitlement to tax credits


  • a previous year
  • notify the Physical Change of Circumstances Team of a current year or previous year change of circumstances
  • complete form TC648 with details of the change of circumstances and write the following in red ink at the top of the form

‘IMC Case - Urgent COC action required’

  • arrange for the form to be forwarded to the Physical Change of Circumstances Team
  • send the claim form, form TC648, excluding the one above and the Intelligent manual capture checklist to storage. Follow the guidance in TCM0074140


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Step 13

When the claim has been captured, go to the Summary Information screen, if you aren’t already on this screen to complete the Application Notes field with the following message, where appropriate for the action you have taken

  • record the following message for appointee cases

‘TCMZ IMC - TC648 to appointee team. Transferred to MU (no) (DD/MM/YY) (group/team/initials)’

  • record the following message for cases transferred to the International Claims Team

‘TCMZ IMC - Transferred to International MU for further action. Note the details - for example “Complex case, customer is a Crown Servant” or “A2 national case” (DD/MM/YY) (group/team/initials)’

  • record the following message for Staff in Confidence cases

‘TCMZ IMC (and the PAYE reference) (DD/MM/YY) (group/team/initials)’

  • record the following message when the claim has been captured and is stamped STU

‘TCMZ IMC - STU Claim (DD/MM/YY) (group/team/initials)’

  • record the following message when the claim has been captured and is not stamped STU

‘TCMZ IMC (DD/MM/YY) (group/team/initials)’

Note: Make sure any action you have taken whilst capturing the claim has been fully noted in the Application Notes field. The above messages will not apply to every action you may have taken, but make sure you note any action that the above messages don’t apply to. Make sure that, if a claim is going to be dealt with by people working incomplete cases, the appropriate message is entered in the Application Notes field for them to refer the case to the correct team.

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.


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Step 14

Send the case papers to storage, if you have not already done so. Follow the guidance in TCM0074140.