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TCM0066200 - Claims - capture (L-P): Personal acting bodies - referral from Contact Centre or correspondence


Before you follow this guidance make sure

  • you follow the guidance in TCM0138020
  • you have the correct user roles to follow this guidance. Use the B&C Roles and Access Catalogue. You can find this by going to the Benefits & Credits homepage, selecting ‘R’ on the B&C A-Z index, selecting ‘Roles and Access Process’, selecting ‘ Roles & Access Catalogue’ from the related links menu
  • you’re in the correct MU. Use TCM0322460 for the correct MU number.

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Note: When sending customer, staff or process data to another individual or team, make sure you follow the latest data security guidelines or contact the Data Guardian or Data Security Team for advice.

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Step 1

Check the type of referral that has been made to you

If it’s for a new appointee, go to Step 2

If it’s for a change of appointee personal details, go to Step 7

If it’s for a change of appointee, go to Step 7

If it’s a request to end the existing appointee, go to Step 8

If it’s a ‘TC228’, go to Step 10

If it’s a form ‘BF56’, go to Step 11

If it’s a Power of Attorney or a court approved document, go to Step 12

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Step 2

Check whether the referral for the new appointee has been received from the ‘Contact Centre’

If the referral for the new appointee has been received from the ‘Contact Centre’, go to Step 3

If the referral for the new appointee has been received from a personal acting body or customer, go to Step 5

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Step 3

If the ‘Contact Centre’ has informed you that the appointee has already been authorised by ‘Department for Work and Pension’ (DWP) or ‘Department for Communities’ (DfC), go to Step 4

If the ‘Contact Centre’ hasn’t informed you that the appointee has been authorised by ‘DWP’ or ‘DfC’, go to Step 5

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Step 4

Check the ‘Access to DWP Data’ (ADD) system to see whether the appointee is shown. For how to do this, use TCM1000014.

If the appointee is shown on the ‘ADD’ system

If the appointee isn’t shown on the ‘ADD’ system, go to Step 5

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Step 5

Has the person wishing to become the appointee contacted the ‘Benefit Office’ to start appointment proceedings?

If the appointee has contacted the ‘Benefit Office’

  • set a BF date for 14 days for receipt of form ‘BF56’
  • go to Step 11

If the appointee hasn’t contacted the ‘Benefit Office’, go to Step 6

If it isn’t known whether the appointee has contacted the ‘Benefit Office’, go to Step 6

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Step 6

Phone the proposed appointee

If you are able to contact the proposed appointee

  • tell the person they will need to make an appointment at their local ‘DWP’, ‘DfC’ or ‘Jobcentre Plus’ office to apply to be the customer’s appointee
    Note: Tell them they could consider being an agent or intermediary. Follow the guidance TCM0062060 (agents) or TCM0064300 (intermediaries) as appropriate.
  • set a BF date for 14 days to receive form ‘BF56’ from ‘DWP’ or ‘DfC’.
  • go to Step 11

If you aren’t able to contact the proposed appointee

  • send a ‘TC228’ to the proposed appointee
  • set a clerical BF for 14 days
  • go to Step 10

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Step 7

If written confirmation has been received

  • forward the notification to the ‘Benefit Office’ that authorised the appointment
    Note: Payment must remain unchanged until ‘DWP’ or ‘DfC’ replies.
  • set a BF date for 14 days
  • go to Step 11

If written confirmation hasn’t been received

  • phone the appointee
  • inform them that no changes can be made unless a written confirmation is submitted
    Note: Their appointment as an appointee will continue unless written confirmation is received.
  • set a BF date for 14 days
  • go to Step 13

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Step 8

If the customer wishes to end an appointee acting for them, go to Step 7

If the ‘Contact Centre’ has received notification from the customer that they no longer want the appointee to act for them, go to Step 7

If an appointee wishes to end their appointment, go to Step 9

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Step 9

When written confirmation is received

  • use function ‘View Application’
  • check the Appointee setting in the ‘Other Information’ field

If the ‘Appointee’ is set at ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and the personal acting body has been authorised

If the ‘Appointee’ is set at ‘Yes’ but the personal acting body hasn’t been authorised

If the ‘Appointee’ is set at ‘No’ but the personal acting body hasn’t been authorised, go to Step 13

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Step 10

Check the ‘TC228’ to see if it is signed

If the ‘TC228’ isn’t signed

  • return the form for signature
  • set a BF for 14 days
  • go to Step 13

If the form is signed and the details meet the appointee criteria

  • complete ‘TC912’
  • send ‘TC912’ and completed ‘TC228’ to ‘DWP’ or ‘DfC’
  • set a BF for 14 days
  • go to Step 13

If the ‘TC228’ is signed but the details don’t meet the appointee criteria

  • phone the personal acting body and explain why you consider the appointee criteria hasn’t been met
    Note: Consider if being an agent or intermediary may be appropriate to the personal acting body.
  • delete the appointee details. For how to do this, use TCM1000172
  • go to Step 13

If the ‘TC228’ indicates they no longer wish to become an appointee

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Step 11

When the ‘BF56’ is received

If the ‘BF56’ confirms the personal acting body is authorised as an appointee

  • enter the details of the personal acting body. For how to do this, use TCM1000172
  • go to Step 13

If the ‘BF56’ doesn’t confirm the personal acting body is authorised as an appointee

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Step 12

Check the status of the claim. For how to do this, use TCM1000118

If the status of the claim is shown as ‘Award Issued’ or ‘Finalised’, go to Step 9

If the status of the claim is shown as ‘Logged’, ‘Partially Captured’ or ‘Awaiting Award’ and the personal acting body has been authorised

  • enter the details of the personal acting body. For how to do this, use TCM1000172
  • go to Step 13

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Step 13

If the claim is pre-award

  • update the ‘Application Notes’ field of the Summary Information screen with the appropriate message - LI44, LI45, LI46, LI49, LI50, LI51, LI53 or LI54 from TCM0162060. For how to do this, use TCM1000028

If the claim is post-award

  • update the Household Notes with the appropriate message - LI44, LI45, LI46, LI49, LI50, LI51, LI53 or LI54 from TCM0162060. For how to do this, use TCM1000001
  • go to Step 14

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Step 14

Make a copy of the BF56 or Power of Attorney and return any original documents obtained from the personal acting body to them

If a form ‘BF56’ has been provided

  • complete ‘TC648’
  • attach it to the form ‘BF56’
  • store the forms locally

If a Power of Attorney has been provided

  • store this locally in a locked cabinet
  • take no further action