TCM0070140 - Claims - rejecting: Resurrecting rejected claims
This Action Guide provides guidance on the action to take to resurrect a rejected claim. For example, the claim may have been
- rejected in error during manual capture
or - rejected without allowing the full reminder period to expire.
To resurrect an incorrectly-rejected claim, consider steps 1 to 6.
Step 1
Create a copy of the rejected claim on the computer. To do this
- select ‘Application’ from the toolbar menu
- select ‘Correction’ from the options available
- enter the customer’s NINO in the Key Entry Data - Applicant screen
- select [OK]. The following message will be displayed ‘Details must be entered in Capture Application function’
- select [Yes]. You will be taken to Function CAPTURE APPLICATION
then - go to the Log screen and select [Store]. This will
- store a copy of the rejected claim on the computer
- create a copy for you to work on
- create an entry on the Incomplete Applications work list.
Step 2
Do you require further information in order to process the claim?
Step 3
In Function CAPTURE APPLICATION go to the Summary Information screen and establish what previous action has been taken and what information is still required to process the claim.
- the Repair Summary field for details of errors
- the Application Notes field for details of previous action taken
then - check
- the Income screen
- the Payment screen
- any manual clerical notes or information on the Claimant Compliance Management Information System (CCMIS), if appropriate
then - go to Step 4.
Step 4
Contact the customer for the information that you need to process the claim. Follow the guidance in TCM0094080 and TCM0094160.
- If you obtain the missing information, go to Step 5.
- If you are unable to obtain the missing information, go to Step 6.
Step 5
In Function CAPTURE APPLICATION enter the missing information on the relevant screens
- update the Application Notes field in the Summary Information screen with the following text
‘TCMZ Claim reviewed following incorrect rejection’
Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152040.
then - continue to process the claim. Take no further action.
Step 6
If you are unable to obtain the missing information, take the following action
- reject the claim as incomplete. Follow the guidance in TCM0070040 or TCM0070100
or - extend the action date if the customer has requested more time to get the information that you need.