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TCM0076120 - Claims - work lists (general): Incomplete Applications work list - same sex couples (on or after 05/12/05) (AG)

To deal with entries on the Incomplete Applications work list for claims from same sex couples received before 05/12/2005, consider steps 1 to 4.

Note: This guidance must only be followed when you are working the entry on or after 05/12/2005.

Step 1

When you have selected the work item you want to work from the Incomplete Applications work list and selected Function CAPTURE APPLICATION on the Select Next Function screen, you will be taken to the Applicant 1 screen

  • select ‘Sm’ on the toolbar menu
  • If the message ‘Both Applicants are the same sex. Claim must be withdrawn’ displays on the Applicant 1 screen when you attempt to go to the Summary Information screen, go to Step 2


  • If the RDC error 6019 displays in the Application Notes field on the Summary Information screen
  • make a note on form TC648 of the date in the Date Application Received field
  • select ‘Ap1’ on the toolbar menu


  • If neither message displays, don’t continue with this guidance. Instead, follow the guidance in TCM0076040.

Step 2

Make a note on form TC648 of the first customer’s

  • name
  • NINO
  • address


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Step 3

Withdraw the claim, selecting the reason for withdrawal as ‘IR user error’. Follow the guidance in TCM0139020 and then return to this guidance.

  • If you made a note of the date the claim was received at Step 1, go to Step 4.
  • If you didn’t make a note of the date the claim was received at Step 1
  • use Function VIEW APPLICATION and go to the Application Summary screen to make a note of the date in the Date Received field for the claim you have withdrawn
  • then
  • go to Step 4.

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Step 4

Complete a blank LFC, addressing it to customer 1 and select the paragraph for inclusion

  • send one claim pack with the letter to the customer. The customers will need to complete this as a further joint claim.